to protect against concurrent changes

Signed-off-by: Fabian Grünbichler <>
best viewed with --patience -w

 PVE/API2/ | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/API2/ b/PVE/API2/
index ec4c18c..f6a98f0 100644
--- a/PVE/API2/
+++ b/PVE/API2/
@@ -1468,32 +1468,38 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method({
        raise_param_exc({ skiplock => "Only root may use this option." })
            if $skiplock && $authuser ne 'root@pam';
-       # test if VM exists
-       my $conf = PVE::QemuConfig->load_config($vmid);
-       my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
-       PVE::QemuConfig->check_protection($conf, "can't remove VM $vmid");
+       my $early_checks = sub {
+           # test if VM exists
+           my $conf = PVE::QemuConfig->load_config($vmid);
+           PVE::QemuConfig->check_protection($conf, "can't remove VM $vmid");
-       my $ha_managed = PVE::HA::Config::service_is_configured("vm:$vmid");
+           my $ha_managed = PVE::HA::Config::service_is_configured("vm:$vmid");
-       if (!$param->{purge}) {
-           die "unable to remove VM $vmid - used in HA resources and purge 
parameter not set.\n"
-               if $ha_managed;
-           # don't allow destroy if with replication jobs but no purge param
-           my $repl_conf = PVE::ReplicationConfig->new();
-           $repl_conf->check_for_existing_jobs($vmid);
-       }
+           if (!$param->{purge}) {
+               die "unable to remove VM $vmid - used in HA resources and purge 
parameter not set.\n"
+                   if $ha_managed;
+               # don't allow destroy if with replication jobs but no purge 
+               my $repl_conf = PVE::ReplicationConfig->new();
+               $repl_conf->check_for_existing_jobs($vmid);
+           }
-       # early tests (repeat after locking)
-       die "VM $vmid is running - destroy failed\n"
-           if PVE::QemuServer::check_running($vmid);
+           die "VM $vmid is running - destroy failed\n"
+               if PVE::QemuServer::check_running($vmid);
+           return $ha_managed;
+       };
+       $early_checks->();
        my $realcmd = sub {
            my $upid = shift;
+           my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
            syslog('info', "destroy VM $vmid: $upid\n");
            PVE::QemuConfig->lock_config($vmid, sub {
-               die "VM $vmid is running - destroy failed\n"
-                   if (PVE::QemuServer::check_running($vmid));
+               # repeat, config might have changed
+               my $ha_managed = $early_checks->();
                PVE::QemuServer::destroy_vm($storecfg, $vmid, $skiplock, { lock 
=> 'destroyed' });

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