>>I also had some small testing of the gui done a bit ago, and now every time 
>>I install the libpve-network-perl package and thus activate the SDN stuff I 
>>get quite some errors/warnings logged: 

mmm, pvestatd look at zone/vnets deployement status.
Not sure why $type is empty here.

But, looking at your config, "uplink-id" is not used anymore.

(Do you have use the api to generate the config ? or maybe it was the config 
from a previous test some months ago ?)

----- Mail original -----
De: "Thomas Lamprecht" <t.lampre...@proxmox.com>
À: "pve-devel" <pve-devel@pve.proxmox.com>, "aderumier" <aderum...@odiso.com>
Envoyé: Mercredi 8 Avril 2020 20:04:49
Objet: applied: [pve-devel] [PATCH V2 pve-manager] API2: Network: display vnets 
in any_bridge

Hi Alexandre, 

On 4/8/20 6:14 PM, Alexandre DERUMIER wrote: 
> Hi Thomas, 
> Any news about this patch ? 

applied, mainly waited for some more stuff to bump pve-network (as this 
patch uses the new method over there), but scratch that :) 

> This is the last missing part for the beta testing. 
> I have seen a lot of users on the forum with questions with routed setup, 
> with server at hertzer or other hosting providers. 
> I really think that bgp-evpn will help a lot (I'll be easy to defined new 
> vnets/subnet with anycast gateway) 

Let's see and hope you're right :) 

> they seem to be good candidates for testing sdn :) 

I also had some small testing of the gui done a bit ago, and now every time 
I install the libpve-network-perl package and thus activate the SDN stuff I 
get quite some errors/warnings logged: 

# journalctl -f 
-- Logs begin at Sat 2020-02-01 00:04:54 CET. -- 
Apr 08 19:59:51 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: Use of uninitialized value $type in 
concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/SectionConfig.pm line 204. 
Apr 08 19:59:51 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: sdn status update error: unknown section 
type '' 
Apr 08 20:00:01 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: local sdn network configuration is not yet 
generated, please reload at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Network/SDN/Zones.pm line 180. 
Apr 08 20:00:01 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: Use of uninitialized value $type in hash 
element at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/SectionConfig.pm line 202. 
Apr 08 20:00:01 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: Use of uninitialized value $type in 
concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/SectionConfig.pm line 204. 
Apr 08 20:00:01 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: sdn status update error: unknown section 
type '' 
Apr 08 20:00:11 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: local sdn network configuration is not yet 
generated, please reload at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Network/SDN/Zones.pm line 180. 
Apr 08 20:00:11 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: Use of uninitialized value $type in hash 
element at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/SectionConfig.pm line 202. 
Apr 08 20:00:11 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: Use of uninitialized value $type in 
concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/SectionConfig.pm line 204. 
Apr 08 20:00:11 dev6 pvestatd[2014]: sdn status update error: unknown section 
type '' 

# cat /etc/pve/sdn/zones.cfg 
vxlan: test 
uplink-id 1 
nodes dev6 

vxlan: foo 
uplink-id 2 

vxlan: asd 
uplink-id 1 

# cat /etc/pve/sdn/vnets.cfg 
vnet: asd 
tag 1 
zone foo 

do you have an idea? (I did not looked into it at all) 

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