On 4/3/20 4:37 PM, w.bumil...@proxmox.com wrote:
> From: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumil...@proxmox.com>
> This is a larger patch set with the following goals:
> * initial work for cgroupv2 support
> * fewer hardcoded cgroup paths (required for cgroupv2 support)
> * fewer patches on top of lxc
>   - This includes dropping the 'lxcnetaddbr' configuration patch and
>     adding that as a config variable explicitly.
>     The apparmor profile patch on the lxc side is still included, but we don't
>     use that profile anymore, that's for people explicitly overriding it.
>     (same for getent)
>   - The namespace separation has another chance of moving upstream, in a
>     slightly different way this time. For now I don't expect it to
>     impact the cgroup layout for us (much).
> This also includes an lxc command socket client to more easily fetch
> cgroup paths (and in the future this might replace a few lxc utility
> run_command()s as well).
> Note that the lxc-4 related configuration keys in the 2nd-to-last patch
> are still subject to change, but the code should not affect
> installations running lxc3 anyway.

applied series, rust seems to make one re ally change their coding practices
a bit, while yours weren't bad before in any way at all it still feels like
the code is more documented (in a meaning full way, not like in a
`$a = $a +1; # increase $a` way).

Anyway, had minor comments on two patches, both for cgroupv2, also did a
followup fixing some typos in the LXC::Command and LXC::CGroup modules.
Plus the dependency version bump for pve-common, as it was kept backward
compatible a Break from the other direction wasn't required.

I guess for the cgroupv2 stuff we (=you ;P) need to iron some small
wrinkles anyway, as the v1 wasn't affected I decided to push it out now.


> Wolfgang Bumiller (20):
>   add Delegate flag to pve-container@.service
>   add PVE::LXC::{CGroup, Command} submodules
>   pct: use CGroup submodule and new CpuSet methods
>   update_lxc_config: cgroupv2 support
>   cgroup: add get_io_stats and parse_nested_keyed_file
>   use CGroup::get_io_stats
>   cgroup: add get_cpu_stat
>   use CGroup::get_cpu_stat
>   cgroup: add get_memory_stat
>   use CGroup::get_memory_stat
>   cgroup: add change_memory_limit
>   use CGroup::change_memory_limit
>   cgroup: add change_cpu_quota, change_cpu_shares
>   use CGroup::change_cpu_{shares,quota}
>   cleanup unused functions
>   add helper to get the lxc version
>   add upscript (lxcnetaddbr) to container lxc config
>   pve-container@.service: switch to foreground mode
>   handle cgroup related changes of lxc-4.0
>   cleanup cgroups in pre-start hook
>  src/PVE/CLI/pct.pm         |  20 +-
>  src/PVE/LXC.pm             | 166 +++++++--------
>  src/PVE/LXC/CGroup.pm      | 412 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  src/PVE/LXC/Command.pm     | 196 ++++++++++++++++++
>  src/PVE/LXC/Config.pm      |  42 ++--
>  src/PVE/LXC/Makefile       |   2 +
>  src/lxc-pve-prestart-hook  |  49 +++++
>  src/pve-container@.service |  14 +-
>  8 files changed, 769 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 src/PVE/LXC/CGroup.pm
>  create mode 100644 src/PVE/LXC/Command.pm

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