Signed-off-by: Dominic Jäger <>
This did not exist separately in RFC

 test/Makefile            |   5 +-
 test/ | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100755 test/

diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index 833a597..c54b10f 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 all: test
-test: test_zfspoolplugin test_disklist test_bwlimit
+test: test_zfspoolplugin test_disklist test_bwlimit test_plugin
@@ -10,3 +10,6 @@ test_disklist:
+       ./
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd93430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib ('.', '..');
+use Test::More tests => 32;
+use Test::MockModule qw(new);
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
+use Storable qw(dclone);
+use PVE::Storage;
+my $plugin = 'PVE::Storage::Plugin';
+my $basename = 'test';
+my $iso_type = 'iso';
+my $iso_suffix = '.iso';
+my $iso_notdir = "$basename$iso_suffix";
+my $iso_volname = "$iso_type/$iso_notdir";
+my $vztmpl_type = 'vztmpl';
+my $vztmpl_suffix = '.tar.gz';
+my $vztmpl_notdir = "$basename$vztmpl_suffix";
+my $vztmpl_volname = "$vztmpl_type/$vztmpl_notdir";
+my $iso_with_dots = "$iso_type/../$iso_notdir";
+my $vztmpl_with_dots = "$vztmpl_type/../$vztmpl_notdir";
+my $image_type = 'images';
+my $vmid = '100';
+my $image_basename = 'vm-100-disk-0';
+my $raw_image_format = 'raw'; # Tests for parse_volname don't need the dot
+my $raw_image_notdir = "$image_basename.$raw_image_format";
+my $raw_image_volname = "$vmid/$raw_image_notdir";
+my $qcow_image_format = 'qcow2';
+my $qcow_image_notdir = "$image_basename.$qcow_image_format";
+my $qcow_image_volname = "$vmid/$qcow_image_notdir";
+my $vmdk_image_format = 'vmdk';
+my $vmdk_image_notdir = "$image_basename.$vmdk_image_format";
+my $vmdk_image_volname = "$vmid/$vmdk_image_notdir";
+my $type_index = 0;
+my $notdir_index = 1;
+my $format_index = 6;
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($iso_volname))[$type_index],
+    $iso_type, 'parse_volname: type for iso');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($iso_volname))[$notdir_index],
+    $iso_notdir, 'parse_volname: notdir for iso');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($vztmpl_volname))[$type_index],
+    $vztmpl_type, 'parse_volname: type for vztmpl');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($vztmpl_volname))[$notdir_index],
+    $vztmpl_notdir, 'parse_volname: notdir for vztmpl');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($raw_image_volname))[$type_index],
+    $image_type, 'parse_volname: type for raw image');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($raw_image_volname))[$notdir_index],
+    $raw_image_notdir, 'parse_volname: notdir for raw image');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($raw_image_volname))[$format_index],
+    $raw_image_format, 'parse_volname: format for raw image');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($qcow_image_volname))[$type_index],
+    $image_type, 'parse_volname: type for qcow image');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($qcow_image_volname))[$notdir_index],
+    $qcow_image_notdir, 'parse_volname: notdir for qcow image');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($qcow_image_volname))[$format_index],
+    $qcow_image_format, 'parse_volname: format for qcow image');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($vmdk_image_volname))[$type_index],
+    $image_type, 'parse_volname: type for vmdk image');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($vmdk_image_volname))[$notdir_index],
+    $vmdk_image_notdir, 'parse_volname: notdir for vmdk image');
+is (($plugin->parse_volname($vmdk_image_volname))[$format_index],
+    $vmdk_image_format, 'parse_volname: format for vmdk image');
+my $scfg_with_path = { path => '/some/path' };
+is ($plugin->get_subdir($scfg_with_path, 'iso'),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/template/iso", 'get_subdir for iso' );
+is ($plugin->get_subdir($scfg_with_path, 'vztmpl'),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/template/cache", 'get_subdir for vztmpl');
+is ($plugin->get_subdir($scfg_with_path, 'backup'),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/dump", 'get_subdir for backup');
+is ($plugin->get_subdir($scfg_with_path, 'images'),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/images", 'get_subdir for images');
+is ($plugin->get_subdir($scfg_with_path, 'rootdir'),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/private", 'get_subdir for rootdir');
+is ($plugin->filesystem_path($scfg_with_path, $iso_volname),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/template/$iso_volname",
+    'filesystem_path for iso');
+is ($plugin->filesystem_path($scfg_with_path, $vztmpl_volname),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/template/cache/$vztmpl_notdir",
+    'filesystem_path for vztmpl');
+is ($plugin->filesystem_path($scfg_with_path, $raw_image_volname),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/images/$raw_image_volname",
+    'filesystem_path for raw images');
+is ($plugin->filesystem_path($scfg_with_path, $qcow_image_volname),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/images/$qcow_image_volname",
+    'filesystem_path for qcow image');
+is ($plugin->filesystem_path($scfg_with_path, $vmdk_image_volname),
+    "$scfg_with_path->{path}/images/$vmdk_image_volname",
+    'filesystem_path for vmdk image');
+# $expected_volnames may be unsorted
+sub test_list_volumes {
+    my ($scfg, $required_type, $expected_volnames, $param) = @_;
+    my $storage_id = 'sid';
+    my $volumes_ref = $plugin->list_volumes($storage_id, $scfg, undef,
+       $required_type, $param);
+    my $get_volname = sub { my $i = $_->{volid}; $i =~ s/$storage_id://g; $i };
+    my @received = map ($get_volname->(), @$volumes_ref);
+    my @x = sort @received;
+    my @y = sort(@$expected_volnames);
+    ok (@x ~~ @y, "list_volumes with required type [@$required_type]")
+    || diag ("Expected\n", Dumper (@y), "but received\n", Dumper(@x));
+sub add_test_files {
+    my ($paths) = @_;
+    foreach my $path (@$paths) {
+#      note "Adding test files to path $path";
+       make_path($path) || BAIL_OUT "Could not create directory $path!";
+       IO::File->new("$path/$iso_notdir", 'w');
+       IO::File->new("$path/$iso_notdir", 'w');
+       IO::File->new("$path/$raw_image_notdir", 'w');
+       IO::File->new("$path/$qcow_image_notdir", 'w');
+       IO::File->new("$path/$vmdk_image_notdir", 'w');
+       IO::File->new("$path/$vztmpl_notdir", 'w');
+       IO::File->new("$path/garbage", 'w');
+    }
+my $storage_dir_no_rec = File::Temp->newdir();
+my $paths = [
+    "$storage_dir_no_rec/template/cache",
+    "$storage_dir_no_rec/template/iso",
+    "$storage_dir_no_rec/images/$vmid"
+note 'Tests without recursion';
+# note "Temp dir is:\n", `tree $storage_dir_no_rec`;
+my $scfg_no_rec = { path => $storage_dir_no_rec };
+test_list_volumes($scfg_no_rec, [$iso_type], [$iso_volname]);
+test_list_volumes($scfg_no_rec, [$vztmpl_type], [$vztmpl_volname]);
+my $scfg_with_type = { path => $storage_dir_no_rec, type => 'dir' };
+my $plugin_mock = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::Cluster');
+$plugin_mock->redefine('get_vmlist' => sub { return undef });
+my $expected_volnames_guests = [$qcow_image_volname, $raw_image_volname,
+   $vmdk_image_volname];
+note 'Tests for undefined VM type => KVM/Qemu';
+test_list_volumes($scfg_with_type, ['images'], $expected_volnames_guests);
+test_list_volumes($scfg_with_type, ['rootdir'], []);
+test_list_volumes($scfg_with_type, ['images', 'rootdir'],
+    $expected_volnames_guests);
+note 'Tests for VM type lxc';
+$plugin_mock->redefine('get_vmlist' => sub
+    { return { ids => { $vmid => { type => 'lxc' }}}});
+test_list_volumes($scfg_with_type, ['images'], []);
+test_list_volumes($scfg_with_type, ['rootdir'], $expected_volnames_guests);
+test_list_volumes($scfg_with_type, ['images', 'rootdir'],
+    $expected_volnames_guests);
+# see bug report
+sub test_unmodified_cluster_vmlist {
+    my ($scfg, $original_vmlist) = @_;
+    my $tested_vmlist = dclone($original_vmlist);
+    my $plugin_mock = Test::MockModule->new('PVE::Cluster');
+    $plugin_mock->redefine('get_vmlist' => sub { return $tested_vmlist });
+    $plugin->list_volumes('sid', $scfg, undef, ['images']);
+    is_deeply ($tested_vmlist, $original_vmlist,
+       'PVE::Cluster::vmlist remains unmodified')
+    || diag ("Expected vmlist to remain\n", Dumper($original_vmlist),
+       "but it turned to\n", Dumper($tested_vmlist));
+test_unmodified_cluster_vmlist($scfg_with_type, { ids => {} });

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