On 4/2/20 10:14 AM, Dominik Csapak wrote:
> one nit inline, high level comment here:
> one thing did come to mind what may be 'dangerous' is
> if the caller of this uses a change listener, since
> it suddenly would trigger for both fields i guess?

Yeah, that's the plan. One can control that (by setting it just in
editConfig, or checking for the field being disabled in the listener
- if it even triggers then)

> (e.g. in an edit window, but did not test)
> or validator? but i guess a displayfield does not
> validate anyway...

No, it doesn't, it has it short circuited to:

validateOnChange: false,

isValid: Ext.returnTrue, 
validate: Ext.returnTrue


> also how about setting the value?
> the inputpanel for example does:
> ---8<---
> query('[isFormField][name='+id+']')[0]
> --->8---
> so it only sets the first field it finds.
> can that be a problem?

It worked fine here in the example conversions I did, but I can retake a
look to ensure this wasn't just due to a non inputpanel use or the like.

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