Well, as it turns out, the whole (N-1) section is valid and our QDevice
setup code had a bug. Will send a v2 with that section integrated.
On 3/24/20 3:52 PM, Aaron Lauterer wrote:
Naming the whole mechanism and one of the daemons the same makes it easy
to mix up the two. This patch aims to make the whole understanding of
the QDevice and it's parts easier by
* describing use cases at the beginning
* making the distinction between the QDevice mechanism and qdevice
daemon clear
* removing the `(N-1) qdevice votes` section in odd clusters because it
does not behave like that anymore. Only 1 vote is provided.
* adding two more items to the FAQ section to troubleshoot
* fix small grammer and sentence structures.
Signed-off-by: Aaron Lauterer <a.laute...@proxmox.com>
I had this patch in the pipeline for a while and finally got around to
fix it up.
The (N-1) votes section does seem to not be relevant anymore. In my
tests with odd sized clusters it would add only 1 vote.
Feedback regarding the understandability, grammer and spelling mistakes
is welcome :)
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