On 3/23/20 10:50 AM, Stefan Reiter wrote:
> On 19/03/2020 15:06, Dominik Csapak wrote:
>> overall looks good, and most works, comments inline
>> the only 'real' issue i found is with ipv6 networks
>> (they do not get auto added to the links)
> Thanks for the review, I'll send a fixed v3 soon!
>> On 3/17/20 12:11 PM, Stefan Reiter wrote
>>> -        ring1Possible: false,
>>>           ip: '',
>>>           clusterName: ''
>>>           };
>>> -        var totem = {};
>>>           if (!(joinInfo && joinInfo.totem)) {
>>>           field.valid = false;
>>> +        linkEditor.setLinks([]);
>>> +        linkEditor.setInfoText();
>>>           } else {
>>> -        var ring0Needed = false;
>>> -        if (joinInfo.ring_addr !== undefined) {
>>> -            ring0Needed = joinInfo.ring_addr[0] !== joinInfo.ipAddress;
>>> +        var links = [];
>>> +        var interfaces = joinInfo.totem['interface'];
>> nit: i'd rather use 'let' whenever possible for new code
> I used it here to not mix-and-match var and let in existing functions. Is 
> this the intent, or should I also change other 'var's over to let then?

let for new, certain mixing is OK (we won't move forward else)

>>>       columnB: [
>>>           {
>>>           xtype: 'textfield',
>>>           fieldLabel: gettext('Fingerprint'),
>>> +        style: 'margin-top: -10px',
>> same as for 'padding-top'
>> also, why '-10px' ?
>> also, the whole layout seems kinda wonky (at least with
>> the language set to german), the password field
>> is higher up that the address field...
> Hadn't tested in other languages... Probably should have ;)
> The reason for the '-10px' was to avoid exactly that issue in the English 
> layout, where without it some text fields would mysteriously be misaligned. 
> I'll try and figure out how to fix this correctly and for all localizations.

thanks, FYI: Dominik is on vacation this week, so I'll try to give a v3
a faster look.

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