On 3/17/20 1:46 PM, Fabian Grünbichler wrote:
> On March 17, 2020 12:40 pm, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
>> On 3/17/20 11:21 AM, Stefan Reiter wrote:
>>>> +            $local_volumes->{$opt} = $conf->{${opt}};
>>> Does $conf->{${opt}} have too many brackets or is this another arcane perl 
>>> syntax I've yet to discover? (iow. why not just $conf->{$opt} ?)
>> It's not that arcane, you surely used it sometimes, for example:
>> * in strings to separate variable from text: "${foo}bar"
>> * to treat a hashrefs element as hash: keys %{$foo->{bar}}
>> * to treat a hashrefs element as array: @{$foo->{bar}}
>> so yes, it isn't useful here and would be nicer to just be $opt, but
>> ${opt} is the same thing :)
> it's a typo (or a remnant of some other thing I had there before, not 
> sure).

that's clear, but the same thing nonetheless ;)

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