
On 3/16/20 2:34 PM, Roland Kammerer wrote:
> Hi all,
> Commit[1] extended the filter, but if you look closely, there is no ','
> between the second and third rule. Quite frankly, I don't know what LVM
> makes out of that, most likely it even considers them as 2 separate
> rules. Or it concats them and then still parses them as 2. LVM is
> mysterious on so many levels, not only the parser :)

You can use:
lvmconfig --withcomments devices/global_filter

to see what LVM sees:
> global_filter=["r|/dev/zd.*|","r|/dev/mapper/pve-.*|","r|/dev/mapper/.*-(vm|base)--[0-9]+--disk--[0-9]+|"]

So this is OK. I avoid touching /etc files during stable updates, so the
fix for this will have to wait for the next major release as it's cosmetic

Thanks for noticing.


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