
On 8/30/18 10:52 AM, Waschbüsch IT-Services GmbH wrote:
> Hi there,
> is there a way to enable the 'Advanced' view by default?

no, there isn't - at least not yet. But the checkbox is stateful,
if you check it once it should stay checked (at least as long you
use the same host/browser to access the PVE WebUI.

> I do not, for myself, see any benefit in hiding config options. It only means 
> additional clicks for me.
> If not, perhaps there could be a flag in datacenter.cfg?

FYI, there are not even all config options exposed to the GUI,
so we already had a filter for possible dangerous options.
This new checkbox is just an additional way to make the WebUI
less clouded, while still allowing flexibility for those who need it.
Granted, I'm not totally happy with the approach either but did not come
up with a better way.

datacenter.cfg option could be OK, but not sure how often it's needed with
the stateful approach of the checkbox.


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