
On 11/23/2017 12:57 PM, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:
> I did a simple bash script (that doesn't require any external tools) able to
> convert a XenServer virtualmachine to a raw file (supported by Proxmox/qemu)
> in a single step, without using xenmigrate.py and without the need to
> export, extract, rebuild
> It's space saving and, more important, time saving, as you don't need
> to perform multiple operation.
> If interested, i would post here as GPL, I would be honored to see
> this published on your wiki 
> as "new" workflow to convert a VM fom XenServer

Nice! Surely there's interest to see this script, you could even do a
Forum post with it too.

If it looks OK, was reported to be working fine we could add it to:
Maybe reorganizing the article a bit so that it gets transformed in a
more general migrate from XenServer article.


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