This patch (1/3 is the effective part) adds support for sub-commands in
the form of `pveum user add <userid>`, as well as aliases, so the prior
format can still be used. It correctly parses the current command format
as well and, to my knowledge,generates identical help texts, man-pages
and html-docs.
It supports arbitrary sub-command depths and command aliases are
excluded from the history:

    # pveum help
    pveum acl delete <path> --roles <string> [OPTIONS]
    pveum acl modify <path> --roles <string> [OPTIONS]

    pveum group add <groupid> [OPTIONS]
    pveum group delete <groupid>
    pveum group modify <groupid> [OPTIONS]

    pveum role add <roleid> [OPTIONS]
    pveum role delete <roleid>
    pveum role modify <roleid> --privs <string> [OPTIONS]

    pveum this is some really long command <roleid> [OPTIONS]

    pveum user add <userid> [OPTIONS]
    pveum user delete <userid>
    pveum user modify <userid> [OPTIONS]

    pveum passwd <userid>
    pveum ticket <username> [OPTIONS]

    pveum help [<cmd>] [OPTIONS]

However they will still produce an entry in the man-page and html doc:

    $ man pveum
           pveum aclmod

           An alias for pveum acl modify.

Completion works for the help as well as for actual execution in
sub-commands, aliases or classic commands alike:

    # pveum help roled
    USAGE: pveum role delete <roleid>

    # pveum help "role a"
    USAGE: pveum role add <roleid> [OPTIONS]

    # pveum help ti
    USAGE: pveum ticket <username> [OPTIONS]

    # pveum rolea test -privs VM.Allocate
    # pveum role d test

Options are parsed correctly:

    # pveum help "acl delete" -v 0
    USAGE: pveum acl delete <path> --roles <string> [OPTIONS]

Philip Abernethy (3):
  cli: prepare CLIHandler for handling sub-commands
  cli: code cleanup
  cli: whitespace cleanup

 src/PVE/ | 347 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 228 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)


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