> 2. The VM.Clone privilege alone is not enough to clone a template. 
> Unfortunately you also need the VM.Allocate privilege, not only allowing 
> to create new VMs but also to delete VMs. This is even worse than the 
> snapshot privileges, at least for us.

You can restrict that to a specific VMIDs, but I see, that is clumsy
for your use case ...
> 3. There is a strong dependency between templates and linked clones 
> which is not very well reflected in the Proxmox GUI. They are all placed 
> on the same hierarchy level in the miscellaneous views of Proxmox making 
> it hard to keep track on these dependencies. This is much better solved 
> for snapshots. Viewing templates and linked clones as a tree structure 
> would help a lot.

I see.

> > Also, please read: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Developer_Documentation
> > for details about patches and CLA ...
> Sorry, I had to place all patches in one mail because our intranet 
> doesn't allow to send mail using git.

I consider applying your patches, but I need the CLA and a patch with correct

- Dietmar

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