This replaces the path-based and lvm/thin special cases in
storage_migrate with the already generic-enough zfspool
case which is already using import/export and does not
directly depend on zfs anymore.
This replaces the actual storage_migrate() implementation with what was
previously the new code for zfspool migration using pvesm import/export.
This also removes check for equal pool names on both sides since this
seems unnecessary and is storage specific. The only storage specific
code left here for now is the migration-snapshot generation for ZFS.
We should probably find a way to get rid of this here as well. (Either
put it into the migration/replication code, or declare this a job of
the ZFSPoolPlugin's export function?)
Additionally this improves socket handling for insecure migrations.

 PVE/ | 241 ++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/ b/PVE/
index 7a65624..bbb71b9 100755
--- a/PVE/
+++ b/PVE/
@@ -546,186 +546,77 @@ sub storage_migrate {
     my $ssh_base = PVE::Cluster::ssh_info_to_command_base($target_sshinfo);
     local $ENV{RSYNC_RSH} = PVE::Tools::cmd2string($ssh_base);
-    my $no_incremental = sub {
-       my ($type) = @_;
-       die "incremental migration not supported on storage type $type\n"
-           if defined($base_snapshot);
-    };
-    my $no_snapshot = sub {
-       my ($type) = @_;
-       # $snapshot is currently only used by replication
-       die "replicating storage migration not supported on storage type 
-           if defined($snapshot);
-    };
     my @cstream = ([ '/usr/bin/cstream', '-t', $ratelimit_bps ])
        if defined($ratelimit_bps);
-    # only implemented for file system based storage
-    if ($scfg->{path}) {
-       $no_incremental->($scfg->{type});
-       $no_snapshot->($scfg->{type});
-       if ($tcfg->{path}) {
-           my $src_plugin = PVE::Storage::Plugin->lookup($scfg->{type});
-           my $dst_plugin = PVE::Storage::Plugin->lookup($tcfg->{type});
-           my $src = $src_plugin->path($scfg, $volname, $storeid);
-           my $dst = $dst_plugin->path($tcfg, $target_volname, 
-           my $dirname = dirname($dst);
-           if ($tcfg->{shared}) { # we can do a local copy
-               run_command(['/bin/mkdir', '-p', $dirname]);
-               run_command(['/bin/cp', $src, $dst]);
-           } else {
-               run_command([@$ssh, '/bin/mkdir', '-p', $dirname]);
-               # we use rsync with --sparse, so we can't use --inplace,
-               # so we remove file on the target if it already exists to
-               # save space
-               my ($size, $format) = 
-               if ($format && ($format eq 'raw') && $size) {
-                   run_command([@$ssh, 'rm', '-f', $dst],
-                               outfunc => sub {});
-               }
-               my $cmd;
-               my @bwlimit = ("--bwlimit=${ratelimit_bps}b") if 
-               if ($format eq 'subvol') {
-                   $cmd = ['/usr/bin/rsync', '--progress', '-X', '-A', 
-                           '-aH', '--delete', '--no-whole-file', '--inplace',
-                           '--one-file-system', @bwlimit,
-                           "$src/", "[root\@${target_ip}]:$dst"];
-               } else {
-                   $cmd = ['/usr/bin/rsync', '--progress', '--sparse', 
-                           @bwlimit,
-                           $src, "[root\@${target_ip}]:$dst"];
-               }
-               my $percent = -1;
-               run_command($cmd, outfunc => sub {
-                   my $line = shift;
-                   if ($line =~ m/^\s*(\d+\s+(\d+)%\s.*)$/) {
-                       if ($2 > $percent) {
-                           $percent = $2;
-                           print "rsync status: $1\n";
-                           *STDOUT->flush();
-                       }
-                   } else {
-                       print "$line\n";
-                       *STDOUT->flush();
-                   }
-               });
-           }
-       } else {
-           die "$errstr - target type '$tcfg->{type}' not implemented\n";
+    my $migration_snapshot;
+    if (!defined($snapshot)) {
+       if ($scfg->{type} eq 'zfspool') {
+           $migration_snapshot = 1;
+           $snapshot = '__migration__';
-    } elsif ($scfg->{type} eq 'zfspool') {
-       if ($tcfg->{type} eq 'zfspool') {
-           die "$errstr - pool on target does not have the same name as on 
-               if $tcfg->{pool} ne $scfg->{pool};
-           my $migration_snapshot;
-           if (!defined($snapshot)) {
-               $migration_snapshot = 1;
-               $snapshot = '__migration__';
-           }
-           my (undef, $volname) = parse_volname($cfg, $volid);
-           my $zfspath = "$scfg->{pool}\/$volname";
-           my @formats = volume_transfer_formats($cfg, $volid, $volid, 
$snapshot, $base_snapshot, 1);
-           die "cannot migrate from storage type '$scfg->{type}' to 
'$tcfg->{type}'\n" if !@formats;
-           my $format = $formats[0];
-           my @insecurecmd;
-           if ($insecure) {
-               @insecurecmd = ('pvecm', 'mtunnel', '-run-command', 1);
-               if (my $network = $target_sshinfo->{network}) {
-                   push @insecurecmd, '-migration_network', $network;
-               }
-           }
-           my $send = ['pvesm', 'export', $volid, $format, '-', '-snapshot', 
$snapshot, '-with-snapshots', '1'];
-           my $recv = [@$ssh, @insecurecmd, '--', 'pvesm', 'import', $volid, 
$format, '-', '-with-snapshots', '1'];
-           if ($migration_snapshot) {
-               push @$recv, '-delete-snapshot', $snapshot;
-           }
-           if (defined($base_snapshot)) {
-               # Check if the snapshot exists on the remote side:
-               push @$send, '-base', $base_snapshot;
-               push @$recv, '-base', $base_snapshot;
-           }
-           volume_snapshot($cfg, $volid, $snapshot) if $migration_snapshot;
-           eval {
-               if ($insecure) {
-                   my $pid = open(my $info, '-|', @$recv)
-                       or die "receive command failed: $!\n";
-                   my ($ip) = <$info> =~ /^($PVE::Tools::IPRE)$/ or die "no 
tunnel IP received\n";
-                   my ($port) = <$info> =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "no tunnel port 
-                   my $socket = IO::Socket::IP->new(PeerHost => $ip, PeerPort 
=> $port, Type => SOCK_STREAM)
-                       or die "failed to connect to tunnel at $ip:$port\n";
-                   run_command([$send, @cstream], output => 
-               } else {
-                   run_command([$send, @cstream, $recv]);
-               }
-           };
-           my $err = $@;
-           warn "send/receive failed, cleaning up snapshot(s)..\n" if $err;
-           if ($migration_snapshot) {
-               eval { volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, $volid, $snapshot, 0) };
-               warn "could not remove source snapshot: $@\n" if $@;
-           }
-           die $err if $err;
-       } else {
-           die "$errstr - target type $tcfg->{type} is not valid\n";
-       }
-    } elsif ($scfg->{type} eq 'lvmthin' || $scfg->{type} eq 'lvm') {
-       $no_incremental->($scfg->{type});
-       $no_snapshot->($scfg->{type});
-       if (($scfg->{type} eq $tcfg->{type}) &&
-           ($tcfg->{type} eq 'lvmthin' || $tcfg->{type} eq 'lvm')) {
-           my (undef, $volname, $vmid) = parse_volname($cfg, $volid);
-           my $size = volume_size_info($cfg, $volid, 5);
-           my $src = path($cfg, $volid);
-           my $dst = path($cfg, $target_volid);
-           run_command([@$ssh, '--',
-                        'pvesm', 'alloc', $target_storeid, $vmid,
-                         $target_volname, int($size/1024)]);
-           eval {
-               if ($tcfg->{type} eq 'lvmthin') {
-                   run_command([["dd", "if=$src", "bs=4k"], @cstream,
-                             [@$ssh, "dd", 'conv=sparse', "of=$dst", 
-               } else {
-                   run_command([["dd", "if=$src", "bs=4k"], @cstream,
-                             [@$ssh, "dd", "of=$dst", "bs=4k"]]);
-               }
-           };
-           if (my $err = $@) {
-               run_command([@$ssh, 'pvesm', 'free', $target_volid]);
-               die $err;
-           }
-       } else {
-           die "$errstr - migrate from source type '$scfg->{type}' to 
'$tcfg->{type}' not implemented\n";
-       }
-    } else {
-       die "$errstr - source type '$scfg->{type}' not implemented\n";
+    my @formats = volume_transfer_formats($cfg, $volid, $volid, $snapshot, 
$base_snapshot, 1);
+    die "cannot migrate from storage type '$scfg->{type}' to 
'$tcfg->{type}'\n" if !@formats;
+    my $format = $formats[0];
+    my @insecurecmd;
+    if ($insecure) {
+       @insecurecmd = ('pvecm', 'mtunnel', '-run-command', 1);
+       if (my $network = $target_sshinfo->{network}) {
+           push @insecurecmd, '-migration_network', $network;
+       }
+    }
+    my $send = ['pvesm', 'export', $volid, $format, '-', '-with-snapshots', 
+    my $recv = [@$ssh, @insecurecmd, '--', 'pvesm', 'import', $volid, $format, 
'-', '-with-snapshots', '1'];
+    if (defined($snapshot)) {
+       push @$send, '-snapshot', $snapshot
+    }
+    if ($migration_snapshot) {
+       push @$recv, '-delete-snapshot', $snapshot;
+    }
+    if (defined($base_snapshot)) {
+       # Check if the snapshot exists on the remote side:
+       push @$send, '-base', $base_snapshot;
+       push @$recv, '-base', $base_snapshot;
+    }
+    volume_snapshot($cfg, $volid, $snapshot) if $migration_snapshot;
+    eval {
+       if ($insecure) {
+           open(my $info, '-|', @$recv)
+               or die "receive command failed: $!\n";
+           my ($ip) = <$info> =~ /^($PVE::Tools::IPRE)$/ or die "no tunnel IP 
+           my ($port) = <$info> =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "no tunnel port 
+           my $socket = IO::Socket::IP->new(PeerHost => $ip, PeerPort => 
$port, Type => SOCK_STREAM)
+               or die "failed to connect to tunnel at $ip:$port\n";
+           # we won't be reading from the socket
+           shutdown($socket, 0);
+           run_command([$send, @cstream], output => '>&'.fileno($socket));
+           # don't close the connection entirely otherwise the receiving end
+           # might not get all buffered data (and fails with 'connection reset 
by peer')
+           shutdown($socket, 1);
+           1 while <$info>; # wait for the remote process to finish
+           # now close the socket
+           close($socket);
+           if (!close($info)) { # does waitpid()
+               die "import failed: $!\n" if $!;
+               die "import failed: exit code ".($?>>8)."\n";
+           }
+       } else {
+           run_command([$send, @cstream, $recv]);
+       }
+    };
+    my $err = $@;
+    warn "send/receive failed, cleaning up snapshot(s)..\n" if $err;
+    if ($migration_snapshot) {
+       eval { volume_snapshot_delete($cfg, $volid, $snapshot, 0) };
+       warn "could not remove source snapshot: $@\n" if $@;
+    }
+    die $err if $err;
 sub vdisk_clone {

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