On 10/05/2015 02:00 PM, moula BADJI wrote:
It never work's correctly.

-1 It works, but not on a graceful shutdown as clearly documented here: http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/High_Availability_Cluster_4.x#HA_Cluster_Maintenance_.28node_reboots.29

We already suspected that there would be some outcries on graceful shutdowns, and it's also a little bit an opinion thing if the service should migrate. But as an graceful shutdown is by no ways an fault, we defined that the HA stack shouldn't interfere here. Also making an shutdon and waiting for the HA Manager would cost you atleast 120 seconds downtime, but live migrating them before only some milliseconds... what is better?

It could generate also some problems if at a time all services get migrated and restarted, and no one wants a out of control feedback loop.

I replied you also on the forum to clear things up.
look at this link with pictures of my tests



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