On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 04:42:42 +0200
Alexandre Derumier <aderum...@odiso.com> wrote:

> This add support to enable vlan aware bridge,
> and management interfaces
I don't know whether this is related to the new network scripts.

I have recently been doing some experiments with the openvswitch-switch
package from Debian Unstable and have found out that the package comes
with its own network scripts which means you need to
disable /etc/init.d/networking. If you forget to disable this script
your OVS bridge comes up empty since /etc/init.d/networking is
called first and tries to bring the OVS bridge and interfaces but will
fail since openvswitch-switch has not started yet. This also means that
when openvswitch-switch then starts it will fail too since the physical
nics has been brought up by /etc/init.d/networking.

Since the openvswitch-switch package is identical in both Stretch and
Jessie you will likely see the same problems here.

Michael Rasmussen

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