On Wed, 22 Jul 2015 17:17:58 +0200 (CEST)
Dietmar Maurer <diet...@proxmox.com> wrote:

> Can we implement that reliable?
I am positive. I guess the same applies to Linux bridge based vlans. I
am willing to give it a try.

> I still prefer linux bridge, because it works without additional daemons.
> Many feature are not implemented in OVS (multicast snooping/querier, 
> connection
> tracking, 
> limited bond modes, iptables, ...), so why is OVS far superior?
> I would prefer to have missing bits implemented with linux bridge code.
According to Alexandre's post much of this is coming in ovs 2.4 which
should be available at the time of the release of Proxmox 4.0.

IMHO ovs is superior for two reasons:
1) vlans are linked to ports and not to bridges
2) it more closely resembles the physical world which means simpler to

PS. what is limited bond modes?

Michael Rasmussen

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