> Also, it's missing currently the "revert pending change" api.
> I don't known what is the best way ? 
> extend update_vm api with an additionnal param?
> #qm -delete -pending -virtio0

I thought about a new parameter called 'revert':

                revert => {
                    type => 'string', format => 'pve-configid-list',
                    description => "A list of settings you want to revert 
(remove pending
                    optional => 1,

So you can simple do:

# qm set <VMID> -revert virtio

Note: similar to delete

To implement, you can simply do:

  foreach my $opt (PVE::Tools::split_list($param->{revert})) {
    $param->{$opt} = $conf->{opt} if define($conf->{$opt};

The rest is done by existing code, which already detects and 
removes pending values if nothing changed.

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