On Nov 3, 2014 4:13 AM, "Kamil Trzcinski" <ayu...@ayufan.eu> wrote:
> - for stopped VM start it for migration

This may not always be desired.  For example, I often create VMs on one
node, but don't want them to spin up until they're on another node.  I
create/maintain templates on an internal node which connects via OpenVPN to
the public nodes, so my workflow makes more sense with create locally,
migrate, then start, since my internal system isn't configured anywhere
close to how my external systems are.  Some of these systems wouldn't even
start internally, since they rely on the host being set up how the external
nodes are, and the internal node isn't set up that way.

I guess what I'm saying is it would be good to at least have a node-level
option to disable this step (starting VMs before migration is a sane
default, just let me opt out).  The more granularity the better, but there
does come a point where options become excessive, so per-VM or
per-migration disable might be overkill.
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