an easy one. I was refering to a few patches I sent regarding
> decoupling PVE/Storage/LunCmd/* into external scripts, so supporting new kinds
> of ZFS backend was a bit more easy to develop/maintain independently of
> promox's source and release schedule.

-    iscsiprovider => {
-        description => "iscsi provider",
-        type => 'string',
-    },
+        devbase => {
+            description => "ZFS device's base path at remote host (ie. /dev)",
+            type => 'string',
+        },
+        lunhelper => {
+            description => "Helper command used by ZFS plugin handle lun 
+            type => 'string',
+        },
+        remotehelper => {
+            description => "Wether helper command should be invoked locally 
(at pmx host) or remotelly (at ZFS server).",
+            type => 'boolean',
+            optional => 1,
+        },

Thought a bit about that, but this change is incompatible with existing setups 
- it will break existing installation.
Maybe we can add it as an additional provider:

iscsiprovider: 'script'

and keep the existing lun plugins? 

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