> But AJAX calls from the extjs framework is not syncrounous. Eg. a page load 
> can
> fire numerous AJAX calls to the backend. 

Yes. But calls land on different processes on the API server, so there is no 
with run_command() and stdin/stdout.

>To me it seems that the gui takes the
> image list which is returned and then for each image calls the backend method
> 'path'. If this call to path last longer than and, unknown to me, specified 
> time the
> gui sends another call to the backend even though a previous request has not
> returned yet with a response.


> I cannot explain it in more details since I do not completely know what is
> happening but try to install the plugin on two different nodes, one with the 
> last
> patch and one without and see for yourself. To trigger the behavior at least 
> 10
> to 15 images needs to be on the storage.

Ok, will try.

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