Extract the file decompression code into its own reusable subroutine.

Signed-off-by: Filip Schauer <f.scha...@proxmox.com>
Reviewed-by: Fiona Ebner <f.eb...@proxmox.com>
 src/PVE/Storage.pm | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/PVE/Storage.pm b/src/PVE/Storage.pm
index cfadcc4..1c00170 100755
--- a/src/PVE/Storage.pm
+++ b/src/PVE/Storage.pm
@@ -1714,6 +1714,45 @@ sub extract_vzdump_config_tar {
     return wantarray ? ($raw, $file) : $raw;
+sub decompress_archive_into_pipe {
+    my ($archive, $cmd, $outfunc) = @_;
+    my $info = archive_info($archive);
+    die "archive is not compressed\n" if !$info->{compression};
+    my $decompressor = $info->{decompressor};
+    my $full_cmd = [ [@$decompressor, $archive], $cmd ];
+    # lzop/zcat exits with 1 when the pipe is closed early,
+    # detect this and ignore the exit code later
+    my $broken_pipe;
+    my $errstring;
+    my $err = sub {
+       my $output = shift;
+       if (
+           $output =~ m/lzop: Broken pipe: <stdout>/
+           || $output =~ m/gzip: stdout: Broken pipe/
+           || $output =~ m/zstd: error 70 : Write error.*Broken pipe/
+       ) {
+           $broken_pipe = 1;
+       } elsif (!defined ($errstring) && $output !~ m/^\s*$/) {
+           $errstring = "failed to decompress archive: $output\n";
+       }
+    };
+    my $rc = eval { run_command($full_cmd, outfunc => $outfunc, errfunc => 
$err, noerr => 1) };
+    my $rerr = $@;
+    $broken_pipe ||= $rc == 141; # broken pipe from cmd POV
+    if (!$errstring && !$broken_pipe && $rc != 0) {
+       die "$rerr\n" if $rerr;
+       die "archive decompression failed with exit code $rc\n";
+    }
+    die "$errstring\n" if $errstring;
+    return;
 sub extract_vzdump_config_vma {
     my ($archive, $comp) = @_;
@@ -1725,30 +1764,7 @@ sub extract_vzdump_config_vma {
     my $decompressor = $info->{decompressor};
     if ($comp) {
-       my $cmd = [ [@$decompressor, $archive], ["vma", "config", "-"] ];
-       # lzop/zcat exits with 1 when the pipe is closed early by vma, detect 
this and ignore the exit code later
-       my $broken_pipe;
-       my $errstring;
-       my $err = sub {
-           my $output = shift;
-           if ($output =~ m/lzop: Broken pipe: <stdout>/ || $output =~ m/gzip: 
stdout: Broken pipe/ || $output =~ m/zstd: error 70 : Write error.*Broken 
pipe/) {
-               $broken_pipe = 1;
-           } elsif (!defined ($errstring) && $output !~ m/^\s*$/) {
-               $errstring = "Failed to extract config from VMA archive: 
-           }
-       };
-       my $rc = eval { run_command($cmd, outfunc => $out, errfunc => $err, 
noerr => 1) };
-       my $rerr = $@;
-       $broken_pipe ||= $rc == 141; # broken pipe from vma POV
-       if (!$errstring && !$broken_pipe && $rc != 0) {
-           die "$rerr\n" if $rerr;
-           die "config extraction failed with exit code $rc\n";
-       }
-       die "$errstring\n" if $errstring;
+       decompress_archive_into_pipe($archive, ["vma", "config", "-"], $out);
     } else {
        run_command(["vma", "config", $archive], outfunc => $out);

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