Am 10.03.25 um 13:52 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
> On 3/7/25 14:40, Fiona Ebner wrote:
>> Am 07.03.25 um 14:30 schrieb Fiona Ebner:
>>> Am 13.02.25 um 14:17 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
>>>> those should be able to migrate even for online vms. If the mapping
>>>> does
>>>> not exist on the target node, that will be caught further down anyway.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
>>>> ---
>>>> no changes in v6
>>>>   PVE/API2/ | 13 +++++++++++--
>>>>   1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/PVE/API2/ b/PVE/API2/
>>>> index f504e1b1..f5484280 100644
>>>> --- a/PVE/API2/
>>>> +++ b/PVE/API2/
>>>> @@ -2331,9 +2331,18 @@ my $create_migrate_worker = sub {
>>>>           $invalidConditions .= join(', ', map { $_->{volid} }
>>>> @{$preconditions->{local_disks}});
>>>>       }
>>>>   +    # for a live migration all local_resources must be marked as
>>>> live-migratable
>>>>       if ($online && scalar($preconditions->{local_resources}->@*)) {
>>>> -        $invalidConditions .= "\n  Has local resources: ";
>>>> -        $invalidConditions .= join(', ', @{$preconditions-
>>>> >{local_resources}});
>>>> +        my $resource_not_live = [];
>>>> +        for my $resource ($preconditions->{local_resources}->@*) {
>>>> +        next if $preconditions->{'mapped-resource-info'}-
>>>> >{$resource}->{'live-migration'};
>>>> +        push $resource_not_live->@*, $resource;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +
>>>> +        if (scalar($resource_not_live->@*)) {
>>>> +        $invalidConditions .= "\n  Has local resources not marked
>>>> as live migratable: ";
>>>> +        $invalidConditions .= join(', ', $resource_not_live->@*);
>>>> +        }
>>>>       }
>>>>         if (my $not_allowed_nodes = $preconditions-
>>>> >{not_allowed_nodes}) {
>>> Should we rather not add those to the "local_resources" result in the
>>> first place? I.e. in check_local_resources() we know whether it's a live
>>> migration or not based on the $state argument.
>>> And towards the end of that function we could...
>>>>     if ($k =~ m/^hostpci/) {
>>>>         my $entry = parse_property_string('pve-qm-hostpci', $conf-
>>>> >{$k});
>>>>         if (my $name = $entry->{mapping}) {
>>>>         $add_missing_mapping->('pci', $k, $name);
>>>>         my $mapped_device = { name => $name };
>>>>         $mapped_device->{'live-migration'} = 1
>>>>             if $pci_map->{ids}->{$name}->{'live-migration-capable'};
>>>>         $mapped_res->{$k} = $mapped_device;
>>>>         }
>>>>     }
>>>>     # sockets are safe: they will recreated be on the target side
>>>> post-migrate
>>>>     next if $k =~ m/^serial/ && ($conf->{$k} eq 'socket');
>>> "next if live-migration" and not even add it.
>> Or rather, next if !missing mapping && (!$state or live-migration). I.e.
>> also not adding them for offline migration to the local resources in the
>> first place. AFAIU, local_resources/loc_res was intended to be the
>> current blockers for the offline or online migration at hand. Can we go
>> back and align the behavior to that meaning? Currently, we add mapped
>> devices even if they are not blockers. Do we already rely too much on
>> that?
> hmm i can try that, but i have a question on how to handle some situations:
> there are the following possibilities (if I didn't forget one):
> * non-mapped hostpci device -> local resource
> * mapped hostpci device with no live migration capabilities -> local
> resource + mapped

I'd only add it to local resources if $state is set too, i.e. if it is a
live migration. If it's mapped and if it's an offline migration, don't
add it.

> * mapped hostpci device with live migration capabilities -> mapped only
> did I understand you correctly?

I.e. local resources should only contain the config keys that are actual
blockers for the migration at hand, which differs when it's online or

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