From: Leo Nunner <>

adds documentation for Cloud-Init for containers. Most of it has been
taken from the VM documentation, since the configuration mostly works
the same. Added a script to extract the cloudinit parameters the same
way it's already done for VMs.

Signed-off-by: Leo Nunner <>
 Makefile            |   1 +
 pct-cloud-init.adoc | 114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pct.adoc            |   4 ++
 3 files changed, 119 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 pct-cloud-init.adoc

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--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
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+              \                   \           \               \
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1398e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pct-cloud-init.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Cloud-Init Support
+{pve} supports the Cloud-init 'nocloud' format for LXC.
+{pve} writes the Cloud-init configuration directly into the container.
+When the 'cienable' option is set to true, the configuration is updated
+directly before before every boot. Each configuration is identified by
+an 'instance id', which Cloud-Init uses to decide whether it should run
+again or not.
+Preparing Cloud-Init Templates
+The first step is to prepare your container. Any template will suffice.
+Simply install the Cloud-Init packages inside the CT that you want to
+prepare. On Debian/Ubuntu based systems this is as simple as:
+apt install cloud-init
+WARNING: This command is *not* intended to be executed on the {pve} host, but
+only inside the container.
+A simple preparation for a cloud-init capable container could look like this:
+# download an image
+pveam download local ubuntu-22.10-standard_22.10-1_amd64.tar.zst
+# create a new container
+pct create 9000 local:vztmpl/ubuntu-22.10-standard_22.10-1_amd64.tar.zst \
+    --storage local-lvm --memory 512 \
+    --net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=dhcp,type=veth
+Now, the package can be installed inside the container:
+# install the needed packages
+pct start 9000
+pct exec 9000 apt update
+pct exec 9000 apt install cloud-init
+pct stop 9000
+Finally, it can be helpful to turn the container into a template, to be able
+to quickly create clones whenever needed.
+pct template 9000
+Deploying Cloud-Init Templates
+A template can easily be deployed by cloning:
+pct clone 9000 3000 --hostname ubuntu
+Cloud-Init can now be enabled, and will run automatically on the next boot.
+pct set 3000 --cienable=1
+Custom Cloud-Init Configuration
+The Cloud-Init integration also allows custom config files to be used instead
+of the automatically generated configs. This is done via the `cicustom`
+option on the command line:
+pct set 9000 --cicustom "user=<volume>,meta=<volume>"
+The custom config files have to be on a storage that supports snippets and have
+to be available on all nodes the container is going to be migrated to. 
Otherwise the
+container won't be able to start.
+For example:
+qm set 9000 --cicustom "user=local:snippets/userconfig.yaml"
+In contrast to the options for VMs, containers only support custom 'user'
+and 'vendor' scripts, but not 'network'. Network configuration is done through
+the already existing facilities integrated into {pve}. They can all be 
+together or mixed and matched however needed.
+The automatically generated config will be used for any section that doesn't 
have a
+custom config file specified.
+The generated config can be dumped to serve as a base for custom configs:
+pct cloudinit dump 9000 user
+The same command exists for `meta`.
+Cloud-Init specific Options
diff --git a/pct.adoc b/pct.adoc
index 529b72f..de80347 100644
--- a/pct.adoc
+++ b/pct.adoc
@@ -622,6 +622,10 @@ It will be called during various phases of the guests 
lifetime.  For an example
 and documentation see the example script under
 Security Considerations

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