Elaborated on the intended differences between the output
formats "text" and "json" for the "--output-format" option
of the "pvesh" utility.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Abraham <a.abra...@proxmox.com>
 output-format.adoc | 12 +++++++++---
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/output-format.adoc b/output-format.adoc
index b3eb3c4..cb846ee 100644
--- a/output-format.adoc
+++ b/output-format.adoc
@@ -8,9 +8,15 @@ FORMAT_OPTIONS
 It is possible to specify the output format using the
-`--output-format` parameter. The default format 'text' uses ASCII-art
-to draw nice borders around tables. It additionally transforms some
-values into human-readable text, for example:
+`--output-format` parameter. The default format, 'text', uses ASCII art
+to draw nice borders around tables. Different output formats, such as
+"text" or "json", provide different functionality for different use
+cases. The `text` output format is supposed to present easily-glanceable
+information in a human-readable format. The goal of the `json` output
+is that the output is parseable and processable by different tools.
+The `text` output format additionally transforms some values into 
+human-readable text, for example:
 - Unix epoch is displayed as ISO 8601 date string.
 - Durations are displayed as week/day/hour/minute/second count, i.e `1d 5h`.

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