> Roland Kammerer via pve-devel <pve-devel@lists.proxmox.com> hat am 07.02.2025 
> 10:02 CET geschrieben:
> Hi all,
> rather simple question I guess, but I could not find the answer in
> https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Storage_Plugin_Development and linked
> documents and looks like my grep foo is lacking today, so here we go:
> I guess I know what the first hash in the 'content' array is, but what
> is the second? Actually, why is there a second one?
> Storage/LVMPlugin.pm:
> content => [ {images => 1, rootdir => 1}, { images => 1 }]
> vs.
> Storage/LvmThinPlugin.pm:
> content => [ {images => 1, rootdir => 1}, { images => 1, rootdir => 1}]
> Best, rck

the first one defines the allowed/valid content types, the second the default 


we are working on improving the docs and cleaning all of this up!


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