--- Begin Message ---

First,  Thanks to all Proxmox Team for the help during the Fosdem!

It was 2 long days days for only 2 people, so it have give us some
time to rest a little bit && eat.

And thanks for the Dinner, it was great to meet you again.

Here my notes:

users feedback:

- a lot of "thanks you" from a lot of proxmox VE users.

- 3/4 users would like to contribute, but they don't known how. 
  Maybe something better than the developper wiki page could be great.

- a lot of interest for pdm (lot of people waiting for the final

- users would like to have a proxmox talk during the fosdem 

- we have seen a lof of homelabers, but also a lot of admins of big
companies with big deployments with 1000~4000 vms

- 1 admin from a hosting company asked me if proxmox VE could handle
100000 vms ^_^

- Still some people asking about "what is proxmox ve ?"  (but less than
last year)

- Lot of people currently migrating from vmware or currently comparing

features request:

No new features had been requested, but the missing classic one

- replication && disaster recovery between 2 clusters. (pdm ?)
- snapshot on san  
- parallel backup limitation
- affinity-anti-affinity in HA
- differents requests for sdn  (mostly from telco company with crazy
network setup ^_^ )
- arm support (but mostly from rasperry homelabbers, and from a ampere
company guy too)
- "official" teraform provider (or at least "officially supported")


stickers: not enough stickers  (almost out saturday at 2pm)
t-shirt : too much S && XS size ^_^
bottle openers: enough for the 2 days.  (Some guys have bring us beers
for exchange  ^_^ )
maybe have some presentation flyers could be great too

--- End Message ---
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