Am 29.01.25 um 16:53 schrieb Filip Schauer:
> +my $map_fmt = {
> +    node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> +    path => {
> +     description => "The path to the device node of the entropy source.",
> +     type => 'string',
> +     pattern => qr/^\/dev\/.+$/,

Style nit: could use | or ! as the regex delimiter to improve readability

Can we restrict this up-front somehow? I'd even be inclined to start out
with the enum we had in qemu-server. A generic path below /dev seems
prone to abuse at a first glance. Mapping.Modify for hardware RNG should
not ease access to other devices. And the check_rng_source() doesn't
currently offer any real protection either (just restricts the
/dev/hwrng case).

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