Am 15.01.25 um 11:50 schrieb Fabian Grünbichler:
>> Fiona Ebner <> hat am 15.01.2025 11:46 CET geschrieben:
>> Am 15.01.25 um 11:15 schrieb Fabian Grünbichler:
>>>> Fiona Ebner <> hat am 15.01.2025 11:06 CET geschrieben:
>>>> Am 15.01.25 um 10:51 schrieb Fabian Grünbichler:
>>>>> basically what we have is the following situation:
>>>>> - we have some input data (volid+snapname)
>>>>> - we have a key derived from the input data (block node name)
>>>>> - we have a value (block node)
>>>>> - we need to be be able to map back the block node (name) to the input 
>>>>> data
>>>> Oh, we need to map back too? But that can be done via filename in the
>>>> block node, or not?
>>> but that filename is the result of PVE::Storage::path which is not stable, 
>>> so we can't compare that?
>>> for snapshot operations, we need to find out "which block node is the one 
>>> for the snapshot volume". we can't rely on the filename in the block graph 
>>> for that, because how we map from volid+snapname to that filename might 
>>> have changed on our end since that bock node was set up. so we need to find 
>>> a way to map using (parts of) the block node name, which means
>>> - having a naming scheme that allows to map back from node name to 
>>> volid+snapname (i.e., the hashing scheme we are discussing ;))
>>> - never re-using a block node for something other than what is encoded in 
>>> its name (not sure if that possible?)
>>> while an operation is ongoing, we can have $prefix-$hash-1 and 
>>> $prefix-$hash-2 at the same time, and if we then end up with having just 
>>> $prefix-$hash-2 after the operation that doesn't matter since we can 
>>> reliably map that back via the $hash to volid+snapname.
>> How would you map back from the hash? Wouldn't that require computing
>> the hashes for all known volid+snapname and comparing which one matches?
>> Or do you mean having a lookup-table, i.e. Perl hash keeping track of
>> the hash => volid+snapname mappings?
> if you are looking for the block node currently referencing volid A in 
> snapshot X, you calculate the hash for them, and then look at the list of 
> block nodes which should only contain one block node named using that hash. 
> "mapping back" is a bit of a misnomer I guess ;) we just want to know which 
> node corresponds to a *known* input pair, not get the input pair from the 
> node alone.

Yes, I was confused by "mapping back". Thanks for the clarification!

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