On 12/9/24 10:57, Christoph Heiss wrote:
Why mandate the `Content-Length` header tho? For HTTP/1.1, it is only
marked SHOULD [0] and for HTTP2, it is actually completely optional [1].
I've just tested it w/ and w/o the patch, both work just fine if no
`Content-Length` header is sent back.
Thanks for the review and cross checking this!
On 12/9/24 10:57, Christoph Heiss wrote:
Since the `Content-Length` header isn't actually required, the message
is misleading.
I wouldn't handle `UnexpectedEof` special here, instead just like any
other error - since it does not really indicate anything specific.
I agree, I only chose to handle the error message since for binary
response bodies this error was thrown when the library had no knowledge
of the size of the body. I'll send a v2 without handling this error.
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