On 12/2/24 09:47, Dominik Csapak wrote:
high level comments first:
* the script is actually not installed with the package, because it's not
installed anywhere and not in any .install file
(you'd either have to use an 'install' target in the makefile to
install it to some folder
or use a .install file in the debian folder for the package to specify
which files should be installed
(see most of our other packages how they do it exactly)
good point, forgot that
* i'd like to go a bit further than this script.
What I'd have imagined is more like our 'pveceph' tool that can
include multiple commands, even if we might only have one or two for now
so e.g.
pve-nvidia-vgpu-helper install-prerequisites
pve-nvidia-vgpu-helper gpus list
pve-nvidia-vgpu-helper gpus enable-sriov
some of these (e.g. the sriov enablement) could even be interactive,
but something
like that could be done in the future.
Unfortunately, I didn't understand it that way, but of course it makes
more sense to write a small tool if it is to take on more tasks in the
* not sure about that, but couldn't this be a rust binary?
i think we have everything we need already there.
It is not a requirement for this IMHO, but personally i tend to write
new things
in rust these days.
and yes, if it should contain even more functionality in the future, I
would rather implement it in Rust.
* it would be very nice to also have some general prerequisites
checked, maybe
as a separate command or all-in-one (does not matter much imo). For
if iommu/vt-d/etc. is turned on and the cards are separated, if there
are even
nvidia cards installed, etc.
agree, would make sense to include this as well.
one comment inline
On 11/20/24 12:26, Hannes Duerr wrote:
The script should help with the dependency installation for the nvidia
vgpu driver, also if the driver is already installed but the system has
been updated
Signed-off-by: Hannes Duerr <h.du...@proxmox.com>
pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps
diff --git a/pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps b/pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fc0856e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pve-install-nvidia-vgpu-deps
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PVE::Tools qw(run_command);
+use AptPkg::Cache;
+my @apt_install = qw(apt-get --no-install-recommends -o
Dpkg:Options::=--force-confnew install --);
imho i find that line a bit dangerous, because it'll overwrite user
configs with new default configs
Our approach to installs is that they can be interactive, so adding
'--force-confnew' is not a good idea
good point, that's probably a bit exaggerated
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