we got a few reports of kernel-output drawing over the TUI-installer.
(e.g. when ZFS loads for the pool-cleanup, also mkfs.xfs sometimes
triggers a message being printed).

As the information gets logged in the kernel ringbuffer (`dmesg`)
anyways, there's little gain on having it displayed on the console in

following https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt
simply set the sysctl to log only messages of level warn and above to
the console.

Tested in a VM, where I manually ran the command before starting the
TUI installer (and selecting XFS as filesystem there). without it the
messages got displayed, with the command they did not.

Signed-off-by: Stoiko Ivanov <s.iva...@proxmox.com>
as it's a cosmetic issue I would not pull it in late in the release cycle.
Sending it nonetheless now, in order not to forget it.

 unconfigured.sh | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/unconfigured.sh b/unconfigured.sh
index 070cf33..ef9aa3c 100755
--- a/unconfigured.sh
+++ b/unconfigured.sh
@@ -233,6 +233,9 @@ chronyd || echo "starting chrony failed ($?)"
 echo "Starting a root shell on tty3."
 setsid /sbin/agetty -a root --noclear tty3 &
+echo "Setting console loglevel to warn."
+sysctl -w kernel.printk='4 4 1 7'
 /usr/bin/proxmox-low-level-installer dump-env
 if [ $proxtui -ne 0 ]; then

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