On 11/15/24 14:44, Fiona Ebner wrote:
On 15.11.24 2:39 PM, Dominik Csapak wrote:
On 11/15/24 14:35, Fiona Ebner wrote:
On 14.11.24 10:32 AM, Dominik Csapak wrote:
@@ -244,22 +235,31 @@ ovf:Item[rasd:InstanceID='%s']/
rasd:ResourceType", $controller_id);
       my $adress_on_controller = $xpc-
findvalue('rasd:AddressOnParent', $item_node);
       my $pve_disk_address = id_to_pve($controller_type) .
   +    # from Disk Node, find corresponding filepath
+    my $xpath_find_filepath = sprintf("/ovf:Envelope/ovf:References/
ovf:File[\@ovf:id='%s']/\@ovf:href", $fileref);
+    my $filepath = $xpc->findvalue($xpath_find_filepath);
+    if (!$filepath) {
+        warn "invalid file reference $fileref, skipping\n";
+        next;
+    }
+    print "file path: $filepath\n" if $debug;
+    my $original_filepath = $filepath;
+    ($filepath) = $filepath =~ m|
^(${PVE::Storage::SAFE_CHAR_CLASS_RE}+)$|; # untaint & check no sub/
parent dirs
+    die "referenced path '$original_filepath' is invalid\n" if !
$filepath || $filepath eq "." || $filepath eq "..";
       # resolve symlinks and relative path components
       # and die if the diskimage is not somewhere under the $ovf path
-    my $ovf_dir = realpath(dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs($ovf)));
-    my $backing_file_path = realpath(join ('/', $ovf_dir, $filepath));
-    if ($backing_file_path !~ /^\Q${ovf_dir}\E/) {
-        die "error parsing $filepath, are you using a symlink ?\n";
-    }

Don't we still need this check against symlinks?

yeah i think you're right, but only in the ovf case so I'd add it...

Why only then? We still return it as part of the disk info, so I'd
rather just always do it. Or does it break something?

true, i was caught up in the 'ovas don't have the files extracted yet'
and thought that does not work, but actually realpath does only check
the last component if it's a symlink,


works as long as foo exists, regardless if bar is a symlink or does not exist

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