found with:

    typos *.adoc

Signed-off-by: Maximiliano Sandoval <>
 datacenter.cfg.5-opts.adoc | 2 +-
 ha-resources-opts.adoc     | 2 +-
 notifications.adoc         | 2 +-
 pct.conf.5-opts.adoc       | 2 +-
 pve-network.adoc           | 2 +-
 pveceph.adoc               | 2 +-
 pveum.adoc                 | 2 +-
 qm-cloud-init.adoc         | 2 +-
 qm.conf.5-opts.adoc        | 2 +-
 9 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/datacenter.cfg.5-opts.adoc b/datacenter.cfg.5-opts.adoc
index 473f9066..c54013e6 100644
--- a/datacenter.cfg.5-opts.adoc
+++ b/datacenter.cfg.5-opts.adoc
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Specify external http proxy which is used for downloads 
(example: 'http://userna
 `keyboard`: `<da | de | de-ch | en-gb | en-us | es | fi | fr | fr-be | fr-ca | 
fr-ch | hu | is | it | ja | lt | mk | nl | no | pl | pt | pt-br | sl | sv | 
tr>` ::
-Default keybord layout for vnc server.
+Default keyboard layout for vnc server.
 `language`: `<ar | ca | da | de | en | es | eu | fa | fr | he | hr | it | ja | 
ka | kr | nb | nl | nn | pl | pt_BR | ru | sl | sv | tr | ukr | zh_CN | zh_TW>` 
diff --git a/ha-resources-opts.adoc b/ha-resources-opts.adoc
index 29a44796..fe33ff9c 100644
--- a/ha-resources-opts.adoc
+++ b/ha-resources-opts.adoc
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The HA group identifier.
 `max_relocate`: `<integer> (0 - N)` ('default =' `1`)::
-Maximal number of service relocate tries when a service failes to start.
+Maximal number of service relocate tries when a service fails to start.
 `max_restart`: `<integer> (0 - N)` ('default =' `1`)::
diff --git a/notifications.adoc b/notifications.adoc
index 4b31c0ff..2459095d 100644
--- a/notifications.adoc
+++ b/notifications.adoc
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ set multiple times to accommodate multiple recipients.
 address will be looked up in `users.cfg`. Can be set multiple times to
 accommodate multiple recipients.
 * `author`: Sets the author of the E-Mail. Defaults to `Proxmox VE`.
-* `from-address`: Sets the From-addresss of the email. SMTP relays might 
+* `from-address`: Sets the From-address of the email. SMTP relays might require
 that this address is owned by the user in order to avoid spoofing.
 The `From` header in the email will be set to `$author <$from-address>`.
 * `username`: Username to use during authentication. If no username is set,
diff --git a/pct.conf.5-opts.adoc b/pct.conf.5-opts.adoc
index 20a0a645..5235f3ed 100644
--- a/pct.conf.5-opts.adoc
+++ b/pct.conf.5-opts.adoc
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Allow nesting. Best used with unprivileged containers with 
additional id mapping
 `hookscript`: `<string>` ::
-Script that will be exectued during various steps in the containers lifetime.
+Script that will be executed during various steps in the containers lifetime.
 `hostname`: `<string>` ::
diff --git a/pve-network.adoc b/pve-network.adoc
index 671f1386..55c796b4 100644
--- a/pve-network.adoc
+++ b/pve-network.adoc
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ using the corresponding bonding mode (802.3ad). Otherwise 
you should generally
 use the active-backup mode.
 For the cluster network (Corosync) we recommend configuring it with multiple
-networks. Corosync does not need a bond for network reduncancy as it can switch
+networks. Corosync does not need a bond for network redundancy as it can switch
 between networks by itself, if one becomes unusable.
 The following bond configuration can be used as distributed/shared
diff --git a/pveceph.adoc b/pveceph.adoc
index 9101ba5b..4d07c5a7 100644
--- a/pveceph.adoc
+++ b/pveceph.adoc
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ create a new pool with a new profile.
 This will create a new EC pool plus the needed replicated pool to store the RBD
 omap and other metadata. In the end, there will be a `<pool name>-data` and
-`<pool name>-metada` pool. The default behavior is to create a matching storage
+`<pool name>-metadata` pool. The default behavior is to create a matching 
 configuration as well. If that behavior is not wanted, you can disable it by
 providing the `--add_storages 0` parameter.  When configuring the storage
 configuration manually, keep in mind that the `data-pool` parameter needs to be
diff --git a/pveum.adoc b/pveum.adoc
index 3a4ffab8..81565ab3 100644
--- a/pveum.adoc
+++ b/pveum.adoc
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ Server Side Webauthn Configuration
-To allow users to use 'WebAuthn' authentication, it is necessaary to use a 
+To allow users to use 'WebAuthn' authentication, it is necessary to use a valid
 domain with a valid SSL certificate, otherwise some browsers may warn or refuse
 to authenticate altogether.
diff --git a/qm-cloud-init.adoc b/qm-cloud-init.adoc
index 4e44fc0a..5bf2cf51 100644
--- a/qm-cloud-init.adoc
+++ b/qm-cloud-init.adoc
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ login
 * 'metadata_services': Set this to
 `` for
-Cloudbase-Init to first check this serivce. Otherwise it may take a few minutes
+Cloudbase-Init to first check this service. Otherwise it may take a few minutes
 for Cloudbase-Init to configure the system after boot.
 Some plugins, for example the SetHostnamePlugin, require reboots and will do
diff --git a/qm.conf.5-opts.adoc b/qm.conf.5-opts.adoc
index f382aaf2..84acf4e3 100644
--- a/qm.conf.5-opts.adoc
+++ b/qm.conf.5-opts.adoc
@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ Configure an USB device (n is 0 to 4, for machine version 
>= 7.1 and ostype l26
 The Host USB device or port or the value 'spice'. HOSTUSBDEVICE syntax is:
  'bus-port(.port)*' (decimal numbers) or
- 'vendor_id:product_id' (hexadeciaml numbers) or
+ 'vendor_id:product_id' (hexadecimal numbers) or
 You can use the 'lsusb -t' command to list existing usb devices.

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