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On 07/10/2024 09:12, Fabian Grünbichler wrote:
Dietmar Maurer <diet...@proxmox.com> hat am 04.10.2024 17:13 CEST geschrieben:
I am the maintainer of StorPool’s external storage plugin for PVE[0]
which integrates our storage solution as a backend for VM disks. Our
software has the ability to create atomic (crash-consistent) snapshots
of a group of storage volumes.
We already make sure that shaphots of a group of volumes are atomic at qemu 
level (VM is halted while snapshots are created), so I wonder
if there is any real advantage here?
I think the main advantage is that if you are fine with crash-equivalent 
consistency (e.g., the same as pulling the power plug) for your snapshots, then 
you can skip the freeze/suspend (and associated, hopefully tiny, downtime), and 
just snapshot on the storage layer. there might also be additional 
optimizations or administrative benefits on the storage side (like all 
snapshots being part of a single transaction), but those are probably not 
relevant for PVE itself..

This is exactly it - we're looking to avoid any slow downs/interruptions in the VMs when creating snapshots. I've not measured how long other storage plugins take to create snapshots, but it could be helpful for them if it's a slow operation.

Ivaylo Markov
Quality & Automation Engineer
StorPool Storage

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