
I'm replying to this mail, but it's more of a general answer.

While we always appreciate efforts to improve our software/code/stack, maybe 
you're recent attempts
are not as constructive as they could be.

Of course we can try to optimize every part of our code to be as efficient and 
good as possible
all the time, but we don't do that because:

* we don't have unlimited developer time
* having stable behavior can be more important than squeezing out the most 

So we often change working existing code (especially the most important parts like the pmxcfs) only if either:
* there is a bug
* the change is pretty obviously better
* we encounter an actual limit/problem that is important (e.g. affects many 
people in a noticeable way)
* there is a big demand from users/customers

(note that this list is not exhaustive, and even if a change fulfills one of these, we might not pursue it, depending on the specific circumstances)

Instead of just calling out weird/unfamiliar behavior/code/design, I'd 
recommend going a different
route, for example explaining why a problem has a big impact on many people, 
best while
providing actual code and/or concrete solutions. (It's always easier to criticize other people's work than actually doing it better)

I cannot and don't want to stop you from looking into our code base and find 
flaws/issues/etc. but
maybe using a different approach to communicate those, would yield better 
results than what you have
done until now.

Please don't take this answer the wrong way, I just want to improve 
communication, so we can
improve our software in a better and more efficient way.

best regards

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