I finally got it to work. The virtio-scsi device has 2 interrupt models, either 
the legacy "wire" interrupt or MSIX interrupts. During boot, the OpenVMS bus 
support code is probing the bus and configures the devices. It will default to 
the traditional IOAPIC interrupt and if the capability bit is set in the PCI 
config status register it will parse the device capabilities. Virtio-SCSI 
reports that it has MSIX capability, so now the bus support code is setting the 
interrupt mechanism to MSIX. But our OpenVMS driver for the virtio-scsi device 
does not yet support MSIX, hence the disconnect and hang, because we do not get 
any interrupts delivered.

I can special case the virtio-scsi device in the PCI config routine to ignore 
the MSIX capability and then everything is working fine. I checked on other 
hypervisors, like for example Virtualbox and here the virtio-scsi device is 
reporting capability as "vendor specific" which are ignored by our bus support 

I guess there is no way of disabling the MSIX capability on Proxmox with some 
flags forvirtio-scsi? In the long run, we should modify our driver to support 
MSIX interrupts. But I had issues enabling them correctly on virtio-scsi, I 
need to find some driver for Linux or Windows which supports MSIX and verify 
what is incorrect on our side.

thanks for your help and information


Christian Moser
Mobile:    +358-40-5022105                      
Email:     c...@maklee.com
URL:       www.maklee.com
-----Original Message-----
From: DERUMIER, Alexandre <alexandre.derum...@groupe-cyllene.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 16:06
To: c...@maklee.com
Cc: pve-devel@lists.proxmox.com
Subject: Re: FW: [pve-devel] issues with Virtio-SCSI devicde on Proxmox...

>>I'm talking about virtio-scsi. Our virtio-network device is working 

Yes, sorry, I wanted to said virtio-scsi.   

All pci devices excluding passthrough devices (with pcie=on flag) are actually 
plugged to pci bridge

sub get_pci_addr_map {
    $pci_addr_map = {
        piix3 => { bus => 0, addr => 1, conflict_ok => qw(ehci)  },
        ehci => { bus => 0, addr => 1, conflict_ok => qw(piix3) }, # instead of 
piix3 on arm
        vga => { bus => 0, addr => 2, conflict_ok => qw(legacy-igd) },
        'legacy-igd' => { bus => 0, addr => 2, conflict_ok => qw(vga) }, # 
legacy-igd requires vga=none
        balloon0 => { bus => 0, addr => 3 },
        watchdog => { bus => 0, addr => 4 },
        scsihw0 => { bus => 0, addr => 5, conflict_ok => qw(pci.3) },
        'pci.3' => { bus => 0, addr => 5, conflict_ok => qw(scsihw0) }, # also 
used for virtio-scsi-single bridge
        scsihw1 => { bus => 0, addr => 6 },
        ahci0 => { bus => 0, addr => 7 },
        qga0 => { bus => 0, addr => 8 },
        spice => { bus => 0, addr => 9 },
        virtio0 => { bus => 0, addr => 10 },
        virtio1 => { bus => 0, addr => 11 },
        virtio2 => { bus => 0, addr => 12 },
        virtio3 => { bus => 0, addr => 13 },
        virtio4 => { bus => 0, addr => 14 },
        virtio5 => { bus => 0, addr => 15 },
        hostpci0 => { bus => 0, addr => 16 },
        hostpci1 => { bus => 0, addr => 17 },
        net0 => { bus => 0, addr => 18 },
        net1 => { bus => 0, addr => 19 },
        net2 => { bus => 0, addr => 20 },
        net3 => { bus => 0, addr => 21 },
        net4 => { bus => 0, addr => 22 },
        net5 => { bus => 0, addr => 23 },
        vga1 => { bus => 0, addr => 24 },
        vga2 => { bus => 0, addr => 25 },
        vga3 => { bus => 0, addr => 26 },
        hostpci2 => { bus => 0, addr => 27 },
        hostpci3 => { bus => 0, addr => 28 },
        #addr29 : usb-host (pve-usb.cfg)
        'pci.1' => { bus => 0, addr => 30 },
        'pci.2' => { bus => 0, addr => 31 },
        'net6' => { bus => 1, addr => 1 },
        'net7' => { bus => 1, addr => 2 },
        'net8' => { bus => 1, addr => 3 },
        'net9' => { bus => 1, addr => 4 },
        'net10' => { bus => 1, addr => 5 },
        'net11' => { bus => 1, addr => 6 },
        'net12' => { bus => 1, addr => 7 },
        'net13' => { bus => 1, addr => 8 },
        'net14' => { bus => 1, addr => 9 },
        'net15' => { bus => 1, addr => 10 },
        'net16' => { bus => 1, addr => 11 },
        'net17' => { bus => 1, addr => 12 },
        'net18' => { bus => 1, addr => 13 },
        'net19' => { bus => 1, addr => 14 },
        'net20' => { bus => 1, addr => 15 },
        'net21' => { bus => 1, addr => 16 },
        'net22' => { bus => 1, addr => 17 },
        'net23' => { bus => 1, addr => 18 },
        'net24' => { bus => 1, addr => 19 },
        'net25' => { bus => 1, addr => 20 },
        'net26' => { bus => 1, addr => 21 },
        'net27' => { bus => 1, addr => 22 },
        'net28' => { bus => 1, addr => 23 },
        'net29' => { bus => 1, addr => 24 },
        'net30' => { bus => 1, addr => 25 },
        'net31' => { bus => 1, addr => 26 },
        'xhci' => { bus => 1, addr => 27 },
        'pci.4' => { bus => 1, addr => 28 },
        'rng0' => { bus => 1, addr => 29 },
        'pci.2-igd' => { bus => 1, addr => 30 }, # replaces pci.2 in case a 
legacy IGD device is passed through
        'virtio6' => { bus => 2, addr => 1 },
        'virtio7' => { bus => 2, addr => 2 },
        'virtio8' => { bus => 2, addr => 3 },
        'virtio9' => { bus => 2, addr => 4 },
        'virtio10' => { bus => 2, addr => 5 },
        'virtio11' => { bus => 2, addr => 6 },
        'virtio12' => { bus => 2, addr => 7 },
        'virtio13' => { bus => 2, addr => 8 },
        'virtio14' => { bus => 2, addr => 9 },
        'virtio15' => { bus => 2, addr => 10 },
        'ivshmem' => { bus => 2, addr => 11 },
        'audio0' => { bus => 2, addr => 12 },
        hostpci4 => { bus => 2, addr => 13 },
        hostpci5 => { bus => 2, addr => 14 },
        hostpci6 => { bus => 2, addr => 15 },
        hostpci7 => { bus => 2, addr => 16 },
        hostpci8 => { bus => 2, addr => 17 },
        hostpci9 => { bus => 2, addr => 18 },
        hostpci10 => { bus => 2, addr => 19 },
        hostpci11 => { bus => 2, addr => 20 },
        hostpci12 => { bus => 2, addr => 21 },
        hostpci13 => { bus => 2, addr => 22 },
        hostpci14 => { bus => 2, addr => 23 },
        hostpci15 => { bus => 2, addr => 24 },
        'virtioscsi0' => { bus => 3, addr => 1 },
        'virtioscsi1' => { bus => 3, addr => 2 },
        'virtioscsi2' => { bus => 3, addr => 3 },
        'virtioscsi3' => { bus => 3, addr => 4 },
        'virtioscsi4' => { bus => 3, addr => 5 },
        'virtioscsi5' => { bus => 3, addr => 6 },
        'virtioscsi6' => { bus => 3, addr => 7 },
        'virtioscsi7' => { bus => 3, addr => 8 },
        'virtioscsi8' => { bus => 3, addr => 9 },
        'virtioscsi9' => { bus => 3, addr => 10 },
        'virtioscsi10' => { bus => 3, addr => 11 },
        'virtioscsi11' => { bus => 3, addr => 12 },
        'virtioscsi12' => { bus => 3, addr => 13 },
        'virtioscsi13' => { bus => 3, addr => 14 },
        'virtioscsi14' => { bus => 3, addr => 15 },
        'virtioscsi15' => { bus => 3, addr => 16 },
        'virtioscsi16' => { bus => 3, addr => 17 },
        'virtioscsi17' => { bus => 3, addr => 18 },
        'virtioscsi18' => { bus => 3, addr => 19 },
        'virtioscsi19' => { bus => 3, addr => 20 },
        'virtioscsi20' => { bus => 3, addr => 21 },
        'virtioscsi21' => { bus => 3, addr => 22 },
        'virtioscsi22' => { bus => 3, addr => 23 },
        'virtioscsi23' => { bus => 3, addr => 24 },
        'virtioscsi24' => { bus => 3, addr => 25 },
        'virtioscsi25' => { bus => 3, addr => 26 },
        'virtioscsi26' => { bus => 3, addr => 27 },
        'virtioscsi27' => { bus => 3, addr => 28 },
        'virtioscsi28' => { bus => 3, addr => 29 },
        'virtioscsi29' => { bus => 3, addr => 30 },
        'virtioscsi30' => { bus => 3, addr => 31 },
        'scsihw2' => { bus => 4, addr => 1 },
        'scsihw3' => { bus => 4, addr => 2 },
        'scsihw4' => { bus => 4, addr => 3 },
    } if !defined($pci_addr_map);
    return $pci_addr_map;

> > > Alexandre,
> > > 
> > > the statement below is not true for our case. The OpenVMS guest OS 
> > > is using a PCIE bus, so the virtio-scsi device should be exposed 
> > > as "modern", but is not. Not sure why not at this point
> > 
> See Fiona response,
> the pci express bridge is present, but the virtio-net is plugged on a 
> simple pci bridge.
> ²
> pci express slots are mostly used for passthrough devices
> my $pcie_addr_map;
> sub get_pcie_addr_map {
>     $pcie_addr_map = {
>         vga => { bus => 'pcie.0', addr => 1 },
>         hostpci0 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-1", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci1 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-2", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci2 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-3", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci3 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-4", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci4 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-5", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci5 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-6", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci6 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-7", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci7 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-8", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci8 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-9", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci9 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-10", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci10 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-11", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci11 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-12", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci12 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-13", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci13 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-14", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci14 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-15", addr => 0 },
>         hostpci15 => { bus => "ich9-pcie-port-16", addr => 0 },
>         # win7 is picky about pcie assignments
>         hostpci0bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 16 },
>         hostpci1bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 17 },
>         hostpci2bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 18 },
>         hostpci3bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 19 },
>         ivshmem => { bus => 'pcie.0', addr => 20 },
>         hostpci4bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 9 },
>         hostpci5bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 10 },
>         hostpci6bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 11 },
>         hostpci7bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 12 },
>         hostpci8bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 13 },
>         hostpci9bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 14 },
>         hostpci10bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 15 },
>         hostpci11bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 21 },
>         hostpci12bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 22 },
>         hostpci13bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 23 },
>         hostpci14bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 24 },
>         hostpci15bus0 => { bus => "pcie.0", addr => 25 }, }
> Christian Moser
> Mobile:    +358-40-5022105   
> Email:     c...@maklee.com
> URL:       www.maklee.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DERUMIER, Alexandre <alexandre.derum...@groupe-cyllene.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 09:45
> To: pve-devel@lists.proxmox.com; c...@maklee.com
> Subject: Re: [pve-devel] issues with Virtio-SCSI devicde on Proxmox...
> Hi,
> I didn't see the responde of Fiona but indeed:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2021-09/msg01567.html
> "virtio devices can be exposed in upto three ways
>  - Legacy - follows virtio 0.9 specification. always uses PCI
>             ID range 0x1000-0x103F
>  - Transitional - follows virtio 0.9 specification by default, but
>                   can auto-negotiate with guest for 1.0 spce. Always
>                   uses PCI ID range 0x1000-0x103F
>  - Modern - follows virtio 1.0 specification. always uses PCI
>             ID range 0x1040-0x107F
> With QEMU, historically devices placed on a PCI bus will always 
> default to being in transitional mode, while devices placed on a PCI-E 
> bus will always dfault to being in modern mode.
> "
> -------- Message initial --------
> De: Fiona Ebner <f.eb...@proxmox.com>
> Répondre à: Proxmox VE development discussion <pve- 
> de...@lists.proxmox.com>
> À: Proxmox VE development discussion <pve-devel@lists.proxmox.com>, 
> Christian Moser <c...@maklee.com>
> Objet: Re: [pve-devel] issues with Virtio-SCSI devicde on Proxmox...
> Date: 13/08/2024 10:55:47
> Hi,
> Am 12.08.24 um 12:40 schrieb Christian Moser:
> >  Hello,
> >  
> >  I work for VSI (VMS Software Inc) which is porting the OpenVMS  
> > operating system to x86. At this point we successfully on various  
> > hypervisors, but have some issues on the KVM running on Proxmox.
> >  
> >  The OpenVMS VM works just fine with SATA disks and it also works 
> > with  for example virtio-network device etc., but trying to use 
> > virtio-scsi  hangs  the driver. I have debugged this and I can 
> > successfully  configure the port/controller, send the IO request to 
> > the device. It  then gets processed by the device, which posts the 
> > results and sets  the interrupt bit in the ISR register, but it 
> > never asserts the  interrupt hence the driver never gets notified and the 
> > I/O hangs.
> >  
> >  I have tried both “virtio-scsi-pci” and “virtio-scsi-single”, but 
> > no  luck. The emulated virtio-scsi device is a legacy device. But 
> > then  again, the virtio-network device is also a legacy device and 
> > here we  are getting interrupts. One thing which bothers me is the 
> > fact that  the “legacy interrupt disable” bit is set in the PCI 
> > config space of  the virtio-scsi device (i.e. bit 10 at offset 4)
> >  
> >  Questions:
> >  * is there a way to configure a modern virtio-scsi devcie (i.e.
> >  disable_legacy=on) ?
> > 
> I've already answered this question when you asked in a mail addressed 
> directly to me:
> Am 12.08.24 um 11:58 schrieb Fiona Ebner:
> >  Hi,
> >  
> >  It seems that you either need to attach the "virtio-scsi-pci" 
> > device  to a pcie bus or explicitly set the "disable_legacy=on" 
> > option for  the  device, neither of which Proxmox VE currently does 
> > or allows  configuring. The only way right now seems to be to attach 
> > the disk  yourself via custom arguments (the 'args' in the Proxmox 
> > VE VM  configuration), but then the disk will be invisible to 
> > Proxmox VE  operations which look at specific disk keys in the 
> > configuration!
> >  
> >  Feel free to open a feature request on our bug tracker to make this
> >  configurable:
> >  
> > https://antiphishing.vadesecure.com/v4?f=MDk0SW9xRkhTVGYydkJlTIW3tbT
> > r
> >  aK7neiUoWcvis0-pokd-Q2cwuWCZhgBcTw_yw4KqJS-oP6jCsk-zj-
> >  
> > 1YMQ&i=ZURHSDhnY0huQ2tPS3VZahJdhRaQu1ItpJrYkl8wXrA&k=q1N6&r=RjIyR1Ro
> > b
> >  
> > kVxVWlHTXhKT3I72JjP2S9ryFg3B_csBogfeb2oROpP8B8yUJUd6awk&s=1aab5a2ada
> > 7
> >  
> > 3beb46aa02df4e18ff6c5ba2db6d6ff2d1f302a3c4c83b13c8ef6&u=https%3A%2F%
> > 2
> >  Fbugzilla.proxmox.com%2F
> >  
> >  P.S. Please write to the developer list rather than individual  
> > developers for such questions in the feature:
> >  
> > https://antiphishing.vadesecure.com/v4?f=MDk0SW9xRkhTVGYydkJlTIW3tbT
> > r
> >  aK7neiUoWcvis0-pokd-Q2cwuWCZhgBcTw_yw4KqJS-oP6jCsk-zj-
> >  
> > 1YMQ&i=ZURHSDhnY0huQ2tPS3VZahJdhRaQu1ItpJrYkl8wXrA&k=q1N6&r=RjIyR1Ro
> > b
> >  
> > kVxVWlHTXhKT3I72JjP2S9ryFg3B_csBogfeb2oROpP8B8yUJUd6awk&s=50133960c8
> > 7
> >  
> > 16b5426bc084f398f7760f04af8739fd68cad36d17b1dcd887778&u=https%3A%2F%
> > 2  Flists.proxmox.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Fpve-devel
> >  
> >  Best Regards,
> >  Fiona
> > 
> >  * why is the legacy interrupt bit set in the PCI config space ?
> > 
> Most likely because the virtio-scsi-pci is configured without the 
> "disable_legacy=on" option. If not explicitly set, the option will be 
> "disable_legacy=auto" and when not attached to PCIe (which is the case 
> for Proxmox VE currently), then legacy mode will be enabled.
> >  * Are there any working driver for virtio-scsi on this KVM using 
> > Q35  machine? i.e. any other OS
> > 
> The virtio drivers for Windows and the ones in Linux work just fine 
> with our configuration.
> >  Any thoughts why these interrupts are not getting delivered on the  
> > PCIE bus?
> > 
> We do not configure the virtio-scsi-pci on a PCIe bus currently, see 
> my initial answer.
> Best Regards,
> Fiona
> pve-devel mailing list
> pve-devel@lists.proxmox.com
> https://antiphishing.vadesecure.com/v4?f=MDk0SW9xRkhTVGYydkJlTIW3tbTra
> K
> 7neiUoWcvis0-pokd-Q2cwuWCZhgBcTw_yw4KqJS-oP6jCsk-zj-
> 1YMQ&i=ZURHSDhnY0huQ2tPS3VZahJdhRaQu1ItpJrYkl8wXrA&k=q1N6&r=RjIyR1Robk
> V
> xVWlHTXhKT3I72JjP2S9ryFg3B_csBogfeb2oROpP8B8yUJUd6awk&s=50133960c8716b
> 5
> 426bc084f398f7760f04af8739fd68cad36d17b1dcd887778&u=https%3A%2F%2Flist
> s
> .proxmox.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Fpve-devel

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