That is already fixed by this commit to pve-container:;a=commitdiff;h=556ddd393165d51653fe32c1f8fe8628d1802219

On 17/04/2024 11:54, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
Also noticed something not related to the UI side: if I enter some bogus path,
like `/dev/enoent`, I correctly get an error that this does not exist, but the
config entry is added nonetheless!
Which then also means that if I keep the dialogue open and correct the dev
path, I won't be able to submit as the config digest changed, I need to close
and re-open the add/edit dialogue again. This is not only bad UX, but seems
completely broken?

Also, if I got some bogus devX entries already, the error I get when saving
a new one is often from them, not from the one I add, but the change also
goes through here...

Please check that out.

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