On 08/04/2024 14:36, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> Am 08/04/2024 um 12:36 schrieb Stefan Sterz:
>> [...]
>> so, this seems like a fix bug a) creates bug b) type of situation...
>> this patch means that editing a pool allows changing the name suddenly,
>> but since we don't support that in the backend, that just creates a new
>> pool :/
>> this is due to the `editable` attribute depending on `isCreate`, which
>> in turn depends on the configs poolid being set. to fix this, the config
>> needs to also be passed to `callParent` so it can set the configurations
>> there too. so this line should be:
>>     me.callParent([conf]);
>> sorry, could have noticed that earlier in my suggestion. also this needs
>> to be an arrray as `callParent` expects a list of arguments to pass to
>> parent's function and not the parameters themselves directly.
> Using `me.callParent(arguments)` might be more proof to future changes and
> arguments is an array (or well, iterator) already

Thanks for spotting this, missed that during testing. Will send a v4.

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