On 06/04/2024 10:37, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
>> Still, right now I think the primary motivation for this overruling
>> feature is to save GUI users some frustration and/or clicks. In this
>> scenario, a user will overrule only their own tasks, which is possible
>> with the current check. What do you think about keeping the check as it
>> is for now, and making it more permissive once the need arises?
> I think that allowing users that hold the respective Sys.Modify and
> VM.PowerMgmt to overrule any tasks from the start wouldn't be to much
> "speculative future-proofing" but rather something expected while still
> safe.

Makes sense.

> FWIW, you could also drop the $authuser then and just get it from
> the RPCEnv singleton available in all API call-paths and then do
> the permission check in the helper directly.
> This would IMO be also a bit better w.r.t. conveying why we do it this
> way.

OK, sounds good! I'll send a v3 then.

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