ToNftRules is basically a conversion trait for firewall config structs
to convert them into the respective nftables statements.

We are passing a list of rules to the method, which then modifies the
list of rules such that all relevant rules in the list have statements
appended that apply the configured constraints from the firewall

This is particularly relevant for the rule generation logic for
ipsets. Due to how sets work in nftables we need to generate two rules
for every ipset: a rule for the v4 ipset and a rule for the v6 ipset.
This is because sets can only contain either v4 or v6 addresses. By
passing a list of all generated rules we can duplicate all rules and
then add a statement for the v4 or v6 set respectively.

This also enables us to start with multiple rules, which is required
for using log statements in conjunction with limit statements.

Co-authored-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <>
Signed-off-by: Stefan Hanreich <>
 proxmox-firewall/src/       |   1 +
 proxmox-firewall/src/       | 659 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 proxmox-nftables/src/ |   4 +
 3 files changed, 664 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 proxmox-firewall/src/

diff --git a/proxmox-firewall/src/ b/proxmox-firewall/src/
index 656ac15..ae832e3 100644
--- a/proxmox-firewall/src/
+++ b/proxmox-firewall/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 use anyhow::Error;
 mod config;
+mod rule;
 fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
diff --git a/proxmox-firewall/src/ b/proxmox-firewall/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eea79e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxmox-firewall/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
+use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
+use proxmox_nftables::{
+    expression::{Ct, IpFamily, Meta, Payload, Prefix},
+    statement::{Log, LogLevel, Match},
+    types::{AddRule, ChainPart, SetName},
+    Expression, Statement,
+use proxmox_ve_config::{
+    firewall::{
+        ct_helper::CtHelperMacro,
+        fw_macros::{get_macro, FwMacro},
+        types::{
+            address::Family,
+            alias::AliasName,
+            ipset::{Ipfilter, IpsetName},
+            log::LogRateLimit,
+            rule::{Direction, Kind, RuleGroup},
+            rule_match::{
+                Icmp, Icmpv6, IpAddrMatch, IpMatch, Ports, Protocol, 
RuleMatch, Sctp, Tcp, Udp,
+            },
+            Alias, Rule,
+        },
+    },
+    guest::types::Vmid,
+use crate::config::FirewallConfig;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub(crate) struct NftRule {
+    family: Option<Family>,
+    statements: Vec<Statement>,
+    terminal_statements: Vec<Statement>,
+impl NftRule {
+    pub fn from_terminal_statements(terminal_statements: Vec<Statement>) -> 
Self {
+        Self {
+            family: None,
+            statements: Vec::new(),
+            terminal_statements,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn new(terminal_statement: Statement) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            family: None,
+            statements: Vec::new(),
+            terminal_statements: vec![terminal_statement],
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn from_config_rule(rule: &Rule, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<Vec<NftRule>, Error> {
+        let mut rules = Vec::new();
+        if rule.disabled() {
+            return Ok(rules);
+        }
+        rule.to_nft_rules(&mut rules, env)?;
+        Ok(rules)
+    }
+    pub fn from_ct_helper(
+        ct_helper: &CtHelperMacro,
+        env: &NftRuleEnv,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<NftRule>, Error> {
+        let mut rules = Vec::new();
+        ct_helper.to_nft_rules(&mut rules, env)?;
+        Ok(rules)
+    }
+    pub fn from_ipfilter(ipfilter: &Ipfilter, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<Vec<NftRule>, Error> {
+        let mut rules = Vec::new();
+        ipfilter.to_nft_rules(&mut rules, env)?;
+        Ok(rules)
+    }
+impl Deref for NftRule {
+    type Target = Vec<Statement>;
+    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+        &self.statements
+    }
+impl DerefMut for NftRule {
+    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
+        &mut self.statements
+    }
+impl NftRule {
+    pub fn into_add_rule(self, chain: ChainPart) -> AddRule {
+        let statements = 
+        AddRule::from_statements(chain, statements)
+    }
+    pub fn family(&self) -> Option<Family> {
+    }
+    pub fn set_family(&mut self, family: Family) {
+ = Some(family);
+    }
+pub(crate) struct NftRuleEnv<'a> {
+    pub(crate) chain: ChainPart,
+    pub(crate) direction: Direction,
+    pub(crate) firewall_config: &'a FirewallConfig,
+    pub(crate) vmid: Option<Vmid>,
+impl NftRuleEnv<'_> {
+    fn alias(&self, name: &AliasName) -> Option<&Alias> {
+        self.firewall_config.alias(name, self.vmid)
+    }
+    fn iface_name(&self, rule_iface: &str) -> String {
+        match &self.vmid {
+            Some(vmid) => {
+                if let Some(config) = self.firewall_config.guests().get(vmid) {
+                    if let Ok(name) = config.iface_name_by_key(rule_iface) {
+                        return name;
+                    }
+                }
+                log::warn!("Unable to resolve interface name {rule_iface} for 
VM #{vmid}");
+                rule_iface.to_string()
+            }
+            None => rule_iface.to_string(),
+        }
+    }
+    fn default_log_limit(&self) -> Option<LogRateLimit> {
+        self.firewall_config.cluster().log_ratelimit()
+    }
+    fn contains_family(&self, family: Family) -> bool {
+        self.chain.table().family().families().contains(&family)
+    }
+pub(crate) trait ToNftRules {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error>;
+impl ToNftRules for Rule {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        match self.kind() {
+            Kind::Match(rule) => rule.to_nft_rules(rules, env)?,
+            Kind::Group(group) => group.to_nft_rules(rules, env)?,
+        };
+        Ok(())
+    }
+fn handle_iface(rules: &mut [NftRule], env: &NftRuleEnv, name: &str) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+    let iface_key = match (env.vmid, env.direction) {
+        (Some(_), Direction::In) => "oifname",
+        (Some(_), Direction::Out) => "iifname",
+        (None, Direction::In) => "iifname",
+        (None, Direction::Out) => "oifname",
+    };
+    let iface_name = env.iface_name(name);
+    for rule in rules.iter_mut() {
+        rule.push(
+            Match::new_eq(
+                Expression::from(Meta::new(iface_key.to_string())),
+                Expression::from(iface_name.clone()),
+            )
+            .into(),
+        )
+    }
+    Ok(())
+impl ToNftRules for RuleGroup {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        let chain_name = format!("group-{}-{}",, env.direction);
+        rules.push(NftRule::new(Statement::jump(chain_name)));
+        if let Some(name) = &self.iface() {
+            handle_iface(rules, env, name)?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for RuleMatch {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        if env.direction != self.direction() {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        if let Some(log) = self.log() {
+            if let Ok(log_level) = LogLevel::try_from(log) {
+                let mut terminal_statements = Vec::new();
+                if let Some(limit) = env.default_log_limit() {
+                    terminal_statements.push(Statement::from(limit));
+                }
+                terminal_statements.push(
+                    Log::new_nflog(
+                        Log::generate_prefix(env.vmid, log_level,, self.verdict()),
+                        0,
+                    )
+                    .into(),
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        rules.push(NftRule::new(Statement::from(self.verdict())));
+        if let Some(name) = &self.iface() {
+            handle_iface(rules, env, name)?;
+        }
+        if let Some(protocol) = self.proto() {
+            protocol.to_nft_rules(rules, env)?;
+        }
+        if let Some(name) = self.fw_macro() {
+            let fw_macro =
+                get_macro(name).ok_or_else(|| format_err!("cannot find macro 
+            fw_macro.to_nft_rules(rules, env)?;
+        }
+        if let Some(ip) = self.ip() {
+            ip.to_nft_rules(rules, env)?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+fn handle_set(
+    rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>,
+    name: &IpsetName,
+    field_name: &str,
+    env: &NftRuleEnv,
+) -> Result<(), Error> {
+    let mut new_rules = rules
+        .drain(..)
+        .flat_map(|rule| {
+            let mut new_rules = Vec::new();
+            if matches!(, Some(Family::V4) | None) && 
env.contains_family(Family::V4) {
+                let field = Payload::field("ip", field_name);
+                let mut rule = rule.clone();
+                rule.set_family(Family::V4);
+                rule.append(&mut vec![
+                    Match::new_eq(
+                        field.clone(),
+                        Expression::set_name(&SetName::ipset_name(Family::V4, 
name, false)),
+                    )
+                    .into(),
+                    Match::new_ne(
+                        field,
+                        Expression::set_name(&SetName::ipset_name(Family::V4, 
name, true)),
+                    )
+                    .into(),
+                ]);
+                new_rules.push(rule);
+            }
+            if matches!(, Some(Family::V6) | None) && 
env.contains_family(Family::V6) {
+                let field = Payload::field("ip6", field_name);
+                let mut rule = rule;
+                rule.set_family(Family::V6);
+                rule.append(&mut vec![
+                    Match::new_eq(
+                        field.clone(),
+                        Expression::set_name(&SetName::ipset_name(Family::V6, 
name, false)),
+                    )
+                    .into(),
+                    Match::new_ne(
+                        field,
+                        Expression::set_name(&SetName::ipset_name(Family::V6, 
name, true)),
+                    )
+                    .into(),
+                ]);
+                new_rules.push(rule);
+            }
+            new_rules
+        })
+        .collect::<Vec<NftRule>>();
+    rules.append(&mut new_rules);
+    Ok(())
+fn handle_match(
+    rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>,
+    ip: &IpAddrMatch,
+    field_name: &str,
+    env: &NftRuleEnv,
+) -> Result<(), Error> {
+    match ip {
+        IpAddrMatch::Ip(list) => {
+            if !env.contains_family( {
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            let field = match {
+                Family::V4 => Payload::field("ip", field_name),
+                Family::V6 => Payload::field("ip6", field_name),
+            };
+            for rule in rules {
+                match {
+                    None => {
+                        rule.push(Match::new_eq(field.clone(), 
+                        rule.set_family(;
+                    }
+                    Some(rule_family) if rule_family == => {
+                        rule.push(Match::new_eq(field.clone(), 
+                    }
+                    _ => (),
+                };
+            }
+            Ok(())
+        }
+        IpAddrMatch::Alias(alias_name) => {
+            let alias = env
+                .alias(alias_name)
+                .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("could not find alias 
+            if !env.contains_family(alias.address().family()) {
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            let field = match alias.address().family() {
+                Family::V4 => Payload::field("ip", field_name),
+                Family::V6 => Payload::field("ip6", field_name),
+            };
+            for rule in rules {
+                match {
+                    None => {
+                        rule.push(
+                            Match::new_eq(
+                                field.clone(),
+                            )
+                            .into(),
+                        );
+                        rule.set_family(alias.address().family());
+                    }
+                    Some(rule_family) if rule_family == 
alias.address().family() => {
+                        rule.push(
+                            Match::new_eq(
+                                field.clone(),
+                            )
+                            .into(),
+                        );
+                    }
+                    _ => (),
+                }
+            }
+            Ok(())
+        }
+        IpAddrMatch::Set(name) => handle_set(rules, name, field_name, env),
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for IpMatch {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        if let Some(src) = self.src() {
+            handle_match(rules, src, "saddr", env)?;
+        }
+        if let Some(dst) = self.dst() {
+            handle_match(rules, dst, "daddr", env)?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+fn handle_protocol(rules: &mut [NftRule], _env: &NftRuleEnv, name: &str) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+    for rule in rules.iter_mut() {
+        rule.push(Match::new_eq(Meta::new("l4proto"), 
+    }
+    Ok(())
+impl ToNftRules for Protocol {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        match self {
+            Protocol::Tcp(tcp) => tcp.to_nft_rules(rules, env),
+            Protocol::Udp(udp) => udp.to_nft_rules(rules, env),
+            Protocol::Dccp(ports) => {
+                handle_protocol(rules, env, "dccp")?;
+                ports.to_nft_rules(rules, env)
+            }
+            Protocol::UdpLite(ports) => {
+                handle_protocol(rules, env, "udplite")?;
+                ports.to_nft_rules(rules, env)
+            }
+            Protocol::Sctp(sctp) => sctp.to_nft_rules(rules, env),
+            Protocol::Icmp(icmp) => icmp.to_nft_rules(rules, env),
+            Protocol::Icmpv6(icmpv6) => icmpv6.to_nft_rules(rules, env),
+            Protocol::Named(name) => handle_protocol(rules, env, name),
+            Protocol::Numeric(id) => {
+                for rule in rules.iter_mut() {
+                    rule.push(Match::new_eq(Meta::new("l4proto"), 
+                }
+                Ok(())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for Tcp {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        handle_protocol(rules, env, "tcp")?;
+        self.ports().to_nft_rules(rules, env)
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for Udp {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        handle_protocol(rules, env, "udp")?;
+        self.ports().to_nft_rules(rules, env)
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for Sctp {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        handle_protocol(rules, env, "sctp")?;
+        self.ports().to_nft_rules(rules, env)
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for Icmp {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, _env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        for rule in rules.iter_mut() {
+            if matches!(, Some(Family::V4) | None) {
+                if let Some(icmp_code) = self.code() {
+                    rule.push(
+                        Match::new_eq(Payload::field("icmp", "code"), 
+                            .into(),
+                    );
+                } else if let Some(icmp_type) = self.ty() {
+                    rule.push(
+                        Match::new_eq(Payload::field("icmp", "type"), 
+                            .into(),
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    rule.push(Match::new_eq(Meta::new("l4proto"), 
+                }
+                rule.set_family(Family::V4);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for Icmpv6 {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, _env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        log::trace!("applying icmpv6: {:?}", self);
+        for rule in rules.iter_mut() {
+            if matches!(, Some(Family::V6) | None) {
+                if let Some(icmp_code) = self.code() {
+                    rule.push(
+                        Match::new_eq(
+                            Payload::field("icmpv6", "code"),
+                            Expression::from(icmp_code),
+                        )
+                        .into(),
+                    );
+                } else if let Some(icmp_type) = self.ty() {
+                    rule.push(
+                        Match::new_eq(
+                            Payload::field("icmpv6", "type"),
+                            Expression::from(icmp_type),
+                        )
+                        .into(),
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    rule.push(
+                        Match::new_eq(Meta::new("l4proto"), 
+                    );
+                }
+                rule.set_family(Family::V6);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for Ports {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, _env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        for rule in rules {
+            if let Some(sport) = {
+                rule.push(
+                    Match::new_eq(
+                        Expression::from(Payload::field("th", "sport")),
+                        Expression::from(sport),
+                    )
+                    .into(),
+                )
+            }
+            if let Some(dport) = self.dport() {
+                rule.push(
+                    Match::new_eq(
+                        Expression::from(Payload::field("th", "dport")),
+                        Expression::from(dport),
+                    )
+                    .into(),
+                )
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for Ipfilter<'_> {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        let vmid = env
+            .vmid
+            .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("can only create ipfilter for 
+        let guest_config = env
+            .firewall_config
+            .guests()
+            .get(&vmid)
+            .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no guest config found!"))?;
+        if !guest_config.ipfilter() {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        let mut base_rule = NftRule::new(Statement::make_drop());
+        base_rule.push(
+            Match::new_eq(
+                Expression::from(Meta::new("iifname")),
+                guest_config.iface_name_by_index(self.index()),
+            )
+            .into(),
+        );
+        handle_set(rules, self.ipset().name(), "saddr", env)
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for CtHelperMacro {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        if let Some(family) = {
+            if !env.contains_family(family) {
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+        }
+        if self.tcp().is_none() && self.udp().is_none() {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        let ip_family =;
+        if let Some(protocol) = self.tcp() {
+            let base_rule = NftRule::from_terminal_statements(vec![
+                Match::new_eq(
+                    Ct::new("state", None),
+                    Expression::List(vec!["new".into(), "established".into()]),
+                )
+                .into(),
+                Statement::make_accept(),
+            ]);
+            let helper_rule = 
+            let mut ct_rules = vec![base_rule, helper_rule];
+            protocol.to_nft_rules(&mut ct_rules, env)?;
+            rules.append(&mut ct_rules);
+        }
+        if let Some(protocol) = self.udp() {
+            let base_rule = NftRule::from_terminal_statements(vec![
+                Match::new_eq(
+                    Ct::new("state", None),
+                    Expression::List(vec!["new".into(), "established".into()]),
+                )
+                .into(),
+                Statement::make_accept(),
+            ]);
+            let helper_rule = 
+            let mut ct_rules = vec![base_rule, helper_rule];
+            protocol.to_nft_rules(&mut ct_rules, env)?;
+            rules.append(&mut ct_rules);
+        }
+        let mut ct_helper_rule = NftRule::new(Statement::make_accept());
+        ct_helper_rule.push(Match::new_eq(Ct::new("helper", ip_family),;
+        rules.push(ct_helper_rule);
+        Ok(())
+    }
+impl ToNftRules for FwMacro {
+    fn to_nft_rules(&self, rules: &mut Vec<NftRule>, env: &NftRuleEnv) -> 
Result<(), Error> {
+        let initial_rules: Vec<NftRule> = rules.drain(..).collect();
+        for protocol in &self.code {
+            let mut new_rules = initial_rules.to_vec();
+            protocol.to_nft_rules(&mut new_rules, env)?;
+            rules.append(&mut new_rules);
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
diff --git a/proxmox-nftables/src/ 
index 067eccc..dadaf92 100644
--- a/proxmox-nftables/src/
+++ b/proxmox-nftables/src/
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ impl Expression {
     pub fn concat(expressions: impl IntoIterator<Item = Expression>) -> Self {
+    pub fn set_name(name: &str) -> Self {
+        Expression::String(format!("@{name}"))
+    }
 impl From<bool> for Expression {

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