This commit rewrites the entire parser for ceph.conf, aligning its
behaviour as closely as possible with Ceph's parser grammar [0].

The most notable improvements are as follows:

  1. The characters '#' and ';' now both mark comments, instead of
     just the '#' character.

  2. Any character, including comment literals ('#' and ';'), may now
     be escaped.

  3. Quoted values (single and double) are now supported.

  4. Line continuations are now supported (lines ending with '\').

  5. Repeated whitespace characters in keys are now treated as a
     single space character.

  6. Dashes '-' are not treated the same as spaces and underscores
     anymore, as Ceph's grammar doesn't treat them that way.
     * Paired with 5., this means that repeated whitespace is now
       equivalent to a single underscore.

  7. Escaped comment literals are now un-escaped.

  8. Although not too crucial, the parser now also supports empty
     sections and will just initialize them with an empty hash.

Furthermore, the original grammar's more quirky behaviours are also
respected where sanely possible.


Signed-off-by: Max Carrara <>
Changes v1 --> v2:
  * new

Changes v2 --> v3:
  * support comment literals

Changes v3 --> v4:
  * support empty sections
  * fix and move support for comment literals to separate patch

Changes v4 --> v5:
  * rewrite entire parsing logic in order to handle a lot more
    (edge) cases
  * support quoted values
  * support line continuations wherever Ceph's grammar supports them
    (in section headings, directly after the key, direcly after the
    equals sign of kv-pairs, within unquoted values, directly after
    quoted values, randomly within the file as long as the next line
    consists of whitespace)
  * support escaping any kind of character
  * treat repeated whitespace as single space character (like Ceph does)
  * use upfront defined regexes for readability
  * use inner `sub`s for readability
  * reword commit message

 src/PVE/ | 236 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 222 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/PVE/ b/src/PVE/
index 0def1f2..56e7989 100644
--- a/src/PVE/
+++ b/src/PVE/
@@ -10,36 +10,244 @@ cfs_register_file('ceph.conf',
+# For more information on how the Ceph parser works and how its grammar is
+# defined, see:
 sub parse_ceph_config {
     my ($filename, $raw) = @_;
     my $cfg = {};
     return $cfg if !defined($raw);
-    my @lines = split /\n/, $raw;
+    # Note: According to Ceph's config grammar, a single key-value pair in a 
+    # (and nothing else!) is a valid config file and will be parsed by 
+    # We choose not to handle this case here because it doesn't seem to be used
+    # by Ceph at all (and otherwise doesn't really make sense anyway).
+    # Regexes ending with '_class' consist of only an extended character class
+    # each, which allows them to be interpolated into other ext. char classes.
+    my $re_leading_ws = qr/^\s+/;
+    my $re_trailing_ws = qr/\s+$/;
+    my $re_continue_marker = qr/\\/;
+    my $re_comment_class = qr/(?[ [ ; # ] ])/;
+    my $re_not_allowed_in_section_header_class = qr/(?[ [ \] ] + 
$re_comment_class ])/;
+    # Note: The Ceph config grammar defines keys the following way:
+    #
+    #     key %= raw[+(text_char - char_("=[ ")) % +blank];
+    #
+    # The ' - char_("=[ ")' expression might lure you into thinking that keys
+    # may *not* contain spaces, but they can, due to the "% +blank" at the end!
+    #
+    # See:
+    #
+    # Allowing spaces in this class and later squeezing whitespace as well as
+    # removing any leading and trailing whitespace from keys is just so much
+    # easier in our case.
+    my $re_not_allowed_in_keys_class = qr/(?[ [  = \[  ] + $re_comment_class 
+    my $re_not_allowed_in_single_quoted_text_class = qr/(?[ [  '  ] + 
$re_comment_class ])/;
+    my $re_not_allowed_in_double_quoted_text_class = qr/(?[ [  "  ] + 
$re_comment_class ])/;
+    my $re_text_char = qr/\\.|(?[ ! $re_comment_class ])/;
+    my $re_section_header_char = qr/\\.|(?[ ! 
$re_not_allowed_in_section_header_class ])/;
+    my $re_key_char = qr/\\.|(?[ ! $re_not_allowed_in_keys_class ])/;
+    my $re_single_quoted_text_char = qr/\\.|(?[ ! 
$re_not_allowed_in_single_quoted_text_class ])/;
+    my $re_double_quoted_text_char = qr/\\.|(?[ ! 
$re_not_allowed_in_double_quoted_text_class ])/;
+    my $re_single_quoted_value = qr/'(($re_single_quoted_text_char)*)'/;
+    my $re_double_quoted_value = qr/"(($re_double_quoted_text_char)*)"/;
+    my $re_key = qr/^(($re_key_char)+)/;
+    my $re_quoted_value = qr/$re_single_quoted_value|$re_double_quoted_value/;
+    my $re_unquoted_value = qr/(($re_text_char)*)/;
+    my $re_value = qr/($re_quoted_value|$re_unquoted_value)/;
+    my $re_kv_separator = qr/\s*(=)\s*/;
+    my $re_section_start = qr/\[/;
+    my $re_section_end = qr/\]/;
+    my $re_section_header = 
     my $section;
+    my @lines = split(/\n/, $raw);
+    my $parse_section_header = sub {
+       my ($section_line) = @_;
+       # continued lines in section headers are allowed
+       while ($section_line =~ s/$re_continue_marker$//) {
+           $section_line .= shift(@lines);
+       }
+       my $remainder = $section_line;
+       $remainder =~ s/$re_section_header//;
+       my $parsed_header = $1;
+       # Un-escape comment literals
+       $parsed_header =~ s/\\($re_comment_class)/$1/g;
+       if (!$parsed_header) {
+           die "failed to parse section - skip: $section_line\n";
+       }
+       # preserve Ceph's behaviour and disallow anything after the section 
+       # that's not whitespace or a comment
+       $remainder =~ s/$re_leading_ws//;
+       $remainder =~ s/^$re_comment_class.*$//;
+       if ($remainder) {
+           die "unexpected remainder after section - skip: $section_line\n";
+       }
+       return $parsed_header;
+    };
+    my $parse_key = sub {
+       my ($line) = @_;
+       my $remainder = $line;
+       my $key = '';
+       while ($remainder =~ s/$re_key//) {
+           $key .= $1;
+           while ($key =~ s/$re_continue_marker$//) {
+               $remainder = shift(@lines);
+           }
+       }
+       $key =~ s/$re_trailing_ws//;
+       $key =~ s/$re_leading_ws//;
+       $key =~ s/\s/ /;
+       while ($key =~ s/\s\s/ /) {}  # squeeze repeated whitespace
+       # Ceph treats *single* spaces in keys the same as underscores,
+       # but we'll just use underscores for readability
+       $key =~ s/ /_/g;
+       # Un-escape comment literals
+       $key =~ s/\\($re_comment_class)/$1/g;
+       if ($key eq '') {
+           die "failed to parse key from line - skip: $line\n";
+       }
+       my $had_equals = $remainder =~ s/^$re_kv_separator//;
+       if (!$had_equals) {
+           die "expected '=' after key - skip: $line\n";
+       }
+       while ($remainder =~ s/^$re_continue_marker$//) {
+           # Whitespace and continuations after equals sign can be arbitrary
+           $remainder = shift(@lines);
+           $remainder =~ s/$re_leading_ws//;
+       }
+       return ($key, $remainder);
+    };
+    my $parse_value = sub {
+       my ($line, $remainder) = @_;
+       my $starts_with_quote = $remainder =~ m/^['"]/;
+       $remainder =~ s/$re_value//;
+       my $value = $1 // '';
+       if ($value eq '') {
+           die "failed to parse value - skip: $line\n";
+       }
+       if ($starts_with_quote) {
+           # If it started with a quote, the parsed value MUST end with a quote
+           my $is_single_quoted = $value =~ m/$re_single_quoted_value/;
+           $value = $1 if $is_single_quoted;
+           my $is_double_quoted = !$is_single_quoted && $value =~ 
+           $value = $1 if $is_double_quoted;
-    foreach my $line (@lines) {
-       $line =~ s/#.*$//;
-       $line =~ s/^\s+//;
-       $line =~ s/^;.*$//;
-       $line =~ s/\s+$//;
+           if (!($is_single_quoted || $is_double_quoted)) {
+               die "failed to parse quoted value - skip: $line\n";
+           }
+           # Optionally, *only* line continuations may *only* follow right 
+           while ($remainder =~ s/^$re_continue_marker$//) {
+               $remainder .= shift(@lines);
+           }
+           # Nothing but whitespace or a comment may follow
+           $remainder =~ s/$re_leading_ws//;
+           $remainder =~ s/^$re_comment_class.*$//;
+           if ($remainder) {
+               die "unexpected remainder after value - skip: $line\n";
+           }
+       } else {
+           while ($value =~ s/$re_continue_marker$//) {
+               my $next_line = shift(@lines);
+               $next_line =~ s/$re_unquoted_value//;
+               my $value_part = $1 // '';
+               $value .= $value_part;
+           }
+           $value =~ s/$re_trailing_ws//;
+       }
+       # Un-escape comment literals
+       $value =~ s/\\($re_comment_class)/$1/g;
+       return $value;
+    };
+    while (scalar(@lines)) {
+       my $line = shift(@lines);
+       $line =~ s/^\s*(?<!\\)$re_comment_class.*$//;
+       $line =~ s/^\s*$//;
        next if !$line;
+       next if $line =~ m/^$re_continue_marker$/;
+       if ($line =~ m/$re_section_start/) {
+           $section = undef;
+           eval { $section = $parse_section_header->($line) };
+           if ($@) {
+               warn "$@\n";
+           }
-       $section = $1 if $line =~ m/^\[(\S+)\]$/;
-       if (!$section) {
-           warn "no section - skip: $line\n";
+           if (defined($section)) {
+               $cfg->{$section} = {} if !exists($cfg->{$section});
+           }
+           next;
+       }
+       if (!defined($section)) {
+           warn "no section header - skip: $line\n";
-       if ($line =~ m/^(.*?\S)\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/) {
-           my ($key, $val) = ($1, $2);
-           # ceph treats ' ', '_' and '-' in keys the same, so lets do too
-           $key =~ s/[-\ ]/_/g;
-           $cfg->{$section}->{$key} = $val;
+       my ($key, $remainder) = eval { $parse_key->($line) };
+       if ($@) {
+           warn "$@\n";
+           next;
+       }
+       my $value = eval { $parse_value->($line, $remainder) };
+       if ($@) {
+           warn "$@\n";
+           next;
+       $cfg->{$section}->{$key} = $value;
     return $cfg;

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