On 19/03/2024 14:00, Dominik Csapak wrote:
> we cannot import the state of the efivars (e.g. boot order)
> so add a warning for that
> Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csa...@proxmox.com>
> ---
>  src/PVE/Storage/ESXiPlugin.pm | 1 +
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

applied, thanks!

but I squashed in adding the new warning also to the return schema,
as the comment above the $warn closure tries to remind:

> # NOTE: all types must be added to the return schema of the import-metadata 
> API endpoint

but yeah, that's not that visible if one copies a $warn->() call and
sadly not easily enforceable at package build time.

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