On 13/03/2024 09:44, Friedrich Weber wrote:
> Currently, after adding a storage to a pool, opening any edit window
> will send a GET request with a superfluous `poolid` parameter and
> cause a parameter verification error in the GUI. This breaks all edit
> windows of the current session. A workaround is to reload the current
> browser session.
> This happens because the `PVE.pool.AddStorage` component inadvertently
> adds `poolid` to an `extraRequestParams` object that is shared by all
> instances of `Proxmox.window.Edit`, affecting all edit windows in the
> current session. Fix this by instead creating a new object that is
> local to the component.
> Fixes: cd731902b7a724b1ab747276f9c6343734f1d8cb
> Signed-off-by: Friedrich Weber <f.we...@proxmox.com>
> ---
> Notes:
>     To check if we have this problem at other places, I did a quick search
>     for `extraRequestParams` in PVE+PBS: Seems like for all other usages,
>     the object is created fresh already.

Small correction (as spotted by Aaron off-list): In `AddVM` in the same
file [1], we also have a line

22        me.extraRequestParams.poolid = me.pool;

This one does not break any edit windows, because the
`extraRequestParams` object is created a few lines above that in the
`Ext.define`, so it is not shared between all `Proxmox.window.Edit`

9      extraRequestParams: {
10         'allow-move': 1,
11     },

... but if I understand correctly, it *is* shared between all `AddVM`
instances. Again, I think this shouldn't break anything because we reset
`poolid` every time `initComponent` is called, but the pattern is
somewhat error-prone. It might be better to change line 22 to:

22        me.extraRequestParams = { 'allow-move': 1, 'poolid': me.pool };

... and remove lines 9-11, to always create a new object in
`initComponent`. What do you think?


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