This was forgotten to be updated when it changed it the installer and
now reported in the forum [0] that the docs are a bit outdated in this


Signed-off-by: Christoph Heiss <>
 local-zfs.adoc | 19 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/local-zfs.adoc b/local-zfs.adoc
index a1a14e4..c977558 100644
--- a/local-zfs.adoc
+++ b/local-zfs.adoc
@@ -568,11 +568,16 @@ Limit ZFS Memory Usage
 ZFS uses '50 %' of the host memory for the **A**daptive **R**eplacement
-**C**ache (ARC) by default. Allocating enough memory for the ARC is crucial for
-IO performance, so reduce it with caution. As a general rule of thumb, allocate
-at least +2 GiB Base + 1 GiB/TiB-Storage+. For example, if you have a pool with
-+8 TiB+ of available storage space then you should use +10 GiB+ of memory for
-the ARC.
+**C**ache (ARC) by default. For new installations starting with {pve} 8.1, the
+ARC usage limit will be set to '10 %' of the installed physical memory, clamped
+to a maximum of +16 GiB+. This value is written to `/etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf`.
+Allocating enough memory for the ARC is crucial for IO performance, so reduce 
+with caution. As a general rule of thumb, allocate at least +2 GiB Base + 1
+GiB/TiB-Storage+. For example, if you have a pool with +8 TiB+ of available
+storage space then you should use +10 GiB+ of memory for the ARC.
+ZFS also enforces a minimum value of +64 MiB+.
 You can change the ARC usage limit for the current boot (a reboot resets this
 change again) by writing to the +zfs_arc_max+ module parameter directly:
@@ -581,8 +586,8 @@ change again) by writing to the +zfs_arc_max+ module 
parameter directly:
  echo "$[10 * 1024*1024*1024]" >/sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_arc_max
-To *permanently change* the ARC limits, add the following line to
+To *permanently change* the ARC limits, add (or change if already present) the
+following line to `/etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf`:
 options zfs zfs_arc_max=8589934592

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