On 21/02/2024 12:07, Aaron Lauterer wrote:
> This patch series adds the possibility to do an automated / unattended
> installation of Proxmox VE.

Gave this a quick spin installing some virtual PVE hosts with a simple
static IP + ext4 setup. Generated an ISO from my `answer.toml` with:

$ mkisofs -o /var/lib/vz/template/iso/test.iso -iso-level 3 -V
proxmoxinst answer.toml

Attached it as a second CD/DVD drive to the VM, works quite well! :)

One thing I noticed: At first I forgot to set any `filter.` option in
the [network] section. As a result I got an "Installation aborted" after
"Setting network configuration", and nothing more in
/tmp/auto_installer.log. It makes sense that the installer can't apply
the settings without a device filter, but it would be good to get an
error message. AFAICT the same thing happens if there is no filter in

I hope to do some more tests next week, but wanted to report the above
already today.

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