Am 15.02.24 um 19:20 schrieb Dietmar Maurer:
>> The information gathered by the API call comes from the systemd
>> journal. While 'Syslog' could be interpreted as a shorthand for
>> "System Log", it's better to be explicit to avoid any confusion.
>> -            title: 'Syslog',
>> +            title: gettext('System Log'),
> From Wikipedia:
>> In computing, syslog /ˈsɪslɒɡ/ is a standard for message logging.

As discussed off-list with Dietmar, the argument is that the messages
are exactly those that are recorded via the syslog standard/mechanism.
So "Syslog" is more precise in that sense, because "System Log" doesn't
capture that fact and I'm retracting my patch.

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