I tested this with multiple Subnets:

It works if MAC is 1x in IPv4 subnet and 1x in IPv6 subnet.
- updating either IPv4 or IPv6
  - other one persists
- update IPv4 to be in another subnet
  - auto-selects the new subnet

Encountered issues:
- change IPv4 to IPv6 (and vice versa)
> can't find any subnet for ip at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Network/SDN/Subnets.pm 
> line 114. (500)

- When manually creating a mapping, there is no way to set a VMID (but works)

- consecutive updating the mapping does not work
> vmid: type check ('integer') failed - got ''

- Updates to the IPAM mapping do not propagate to dnsmasq's ethers file
  - also not after Reload
  - In comparison `qm set 109 --net1 model=virtio,bridge=dhcpnat3` will
    update ethers immediately

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