more or less a copy from the normal section config test, but now with
properties defined multiple times as well as conflicting options

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
changes from v1:
* changed generated api schema to reflect optimizations in SectionConfig
 test/Makefile                         |   1 +
 test/ | 489 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 490 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 test/

diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index 82f40ab..3e9fef2 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ TESTS = lock_file.test                  \
        format_test.test                \
        section_config_test.test        \
        api_parameter_test.test         \
+       section_config_separated_test.test\
diff --git a/test/ 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d4e4fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+use lib '../src';
+package Conf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use base qw(PVE::SectionConfig);
+my $defaultData = {
+    propertyList => {
+       type => { description => "Section type." },
+       id => {
+           description => "ID",
+           type => 'string',
+           format => 'pve-configid',
+           maxLength => 64,
+       },
+       common => {
+           type => 'string',
+           description => 'common value',
+           maxLength => 512,
+       },
+    },
+sub private {
+    return $defaultData;
+sub expect_success {
+    my ($class, $filename, $expected, $raw, $allow_unknown) = @_;
+    my $res = $class->parse_config($filename, $raw, $allow_unknown);
+    delete $res->{digest};
+    is_deeply($res, $expected, $filename);
+    my $written = $class->write_config($filename, $res, $allow_unknown);
+    my $res2 = $class->parse_config($filename, $written, $allow_unknown);
+    delete $res2->{digest};
+    is_deeply($res, $res2, "$filename - verify rewritten data");
+sub expect_fail {
+    my ($class, $filename, $expected, $raw) = @_;
+    eval { $class->parse_config($filename, $raw) };
+    die "test '$filename' succeeded unexpectedly\n" if !$@;
+    ok(1, "$filename should fail to parse");
+package Conf::One;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Conf';
+sub type {
+    return 'one';
+sub properties {
+    return {
+       field1 => {
+           description => 'Field One',
+           type => 'integer',
+           minimum => 3,
+           maximum => 9,
+       },
+       field2 => {
+           description => 'Field Two',
+           type => 'integer',
+           minimum => 10,
+           maximum => 19,
+       },
+       another => {
+           description => 'Another field',
+           type => 'string',
+           optional => 1,
+       },
+       arrayfield => {
+           description => "Array Field with property string",
+           optional => 1,
+           type => 'array',
+           items => {
+               type => 'string',
+               description => 'a property string',
+               format => {
+                   subfield1 => {
+                       type => 'string',
+                       description => 'first subfield'
+                   },
+                   subfield2 => {
+                       type => 'integer',
+                       minimum => 0,
+                       optional => 1,
+                   },
+               },
+           },
+       },
+    };
+sub options {
+    return {
+       common => { optional => 1 },
+    };
+package Conf::Two;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Conf';
+sub type {
+    return 'two';
+sub properties {
+    return {
+       field2 => {
+           description => 'Field Two but different',
+           type => 'integer',
+           minimum => 3,
+           maximum => 9,
+       },
+       another => {
+           description => 'Another field',
+           type => 'string',
+       },
+       arrayfield => {
+           optional => 1,
+           description => "Array Field with property string",
+           type => 'array',
+           items => {
+               type => 'string',
+               description => 'a property string',
+               format => {
+                   subfield1 => {
+                       type => 'string',
+                       description => 'first subfield'
+                   },
+                   subfield2 => {
+                       type => 'integer',
+                       minimum => 0,
+                       optional => 1,
+                   },
+               },
+           },
+       },
+    };
+sub options {
+    return {
+       common => { optional => 1 },
+    };
+package main;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+# FIXME: allow development debug warnings?!
+local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_; };
+my sub enum {
+    my $n = 1;
+    return { map { $_ => $n++ } @_ };
+    'separated-test1',
+    {
+       ids => {
+           t1 => {
+               type => 'one',
+               common => 'foo',
+               field1 => 3,
+               field2 => 10,
+               arrayfield => [ 'subfield1=test' ],
+           },
+           t2 => {
+               type => 'one',
+               common => 'foo2',
+               field1 => 4,
+               field2 => 15,
+               another => 'more-text',
+           },
+           t3 => {
+               type => 'two',
+               field2 => 5,
+               another => 'even more text',
+           },
+       },
+       order => { t1 => 1, t2 => 2, t3 => 3 },
+    },
+    <<"EOF");
+one: t1
+       common foo
+       field1 3
+       field2 10
+       arrayfield subfield1=test
+one: t2
+       common foo2
+       field1 4
+       field2 15
+       another more-text
+two: t3
+       field2 5
+       another even more text
+my $with_unknown_data = {
+    ids => {
+       t1 => {
+           type => 'one',
+           common => 'foo',
+           field1 => 3,
+           field2 => 10,
+       },
+       t2 => {
+           type => 'one',
+           common => 'foo2',
+           field1 => 4,
+           field2 => 15,
+           another => 'more-text',
+       },
+       t3 => {
+           type => 'two',
+           field2 => 5,
+           another => 'even more text',
+           arrayfield => [
+               'subfield1=test,subfield2=2',
+               'subfield1=test2',
+           ],
+       },
+       invalid => {
+           type => 'bad',
+           common => 'omg',
+           unknownfield => 'shouldnotbehere',
+           unknownarray => ['entry1', 'entry2'],
+       },
+    },
+    order => enum(qw(t1 t2 invalid t3)),
+my $with_unknown_text = <<"EOF";
+one: t1
+       common foo
+       field1 3
+       field2 10
+one: t2
+       common foo2
+       field1 4
+       field2 15
+       another more-text
+bad: invalid
+       common omg
+       unknownfield shouldnotbehere
+       unknownarray entry1
+       unknownarray entry2
+two: t3
+       field2 5
+       another even more text
+       arrayfield subfield1=test,subfield2=2
+       arrayfield subfield1=test2
+my $wrong_field_schema_data = {
+    ids => {
+       t1 => {
+           type => 'one',
+           common => 'foo',
+           field1 => 3,
+           field2 => 5, # this should fail
+       },
+    },
+    order => enum(qw(t1)),
+my $wrong_field_schema_text = <<"EOF";
+one: t1
+       common foo
+       field1 3
+       field2 5
+Conf->expect_fail('separated-wrong-field-schema', $wrong_field_schema_data, 
+Conf->expect_fail('separated-unknown-forbidden', $with_unknown_data, 
+Conf->expect_success('separated-unknown-allowed', $with_unknown_data, 
$with_unknown_text, 1);
+# schema tests
+my $create_schema = Conf->createSchema();
+my $expected_create_schema = {
+    additionalProperties => 0,
+    type => 'object',
+    properties => {
+       id => {
+           description => "ID",
+           type => 'string',
+           format => 'pve-configid',
+           maxLength => 64,
+       },
+       type => {
+           description => 'Section type.',
+           enum => [ 'one', 'two' ],
+           type => 'string'
+       },
+       common => {
+           maxLength => 512,
+           optional => 1,
+           type => 'string',
+           description => 'common value'
+       },
+       field1 => {
+           type => 'integer',
+           'type-property' => 'type',
+           'instance-types' => [ 'one' ],
+           maximum => 9,
+           optional => 1,
+           minimum => 3,
+           description => 'Field One'
+       },
+       field2 => {
+           oneOf => [
+               {
+                   description => 'Field Two',
+                   optional => 1,
+                   minimum => 10,
+                   'instance-types' => [ 'one' ],
+                   type => 'integer',
+                   maximum => 19
+               },
+               {
+                   optional => 1,
+                   minimum => 3,
+                   description => 'Field Two but different',
+                   type => 'integer',
+                   'instance-types' => [ 'two' ],
+                   maximum => 9
+               }
+           ],
+           'type-property' => 'type'
+       },
+       arrayfield => {
+           items => {
+               type => 'string',
+               format => {
+                   subfield1 => {
+                       description => 'first subfield',
+                       type => 'string'
+                   },
+                   subfield2 => {
+                       minimum => 0,
+                       type => 'integer',
+                       optional => 1
+                   }
+               },
+               description => 'a property string'
+           },
+           description => 'Array Field with property string',
+           type => 'array',
+           optional => 1
+       },
+       another => {
+           optional => 1,
+           type => 'string',
+           description => 'Another field'
+       },
+    },
+is_deeply($create_schema, $expected_create_schema, "separated create schema 
+my $update_schema = Conf->updateSchema();
+my $expected_update_schema = {
+    additionalProperties => 0,
+    type => 'object',
+    properties => {
+       id => {
+           description => "ID",
+           type => 'string',
+           format => 'pve-configid',
+           maxLength => 64,
+       },
+       type => {
+           type => 'string',
+           enum => [ 'one', 'two' ],
+           description => 'Section type.'
+       },
+       digest => {
+           optional => 1,
+           type => 'string',
+           description => 'Prevent changes if current configuration file has a 
different digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.',
+           maxLength => 64
+       },
+       delete => {
+           description => 'A list of settings you want to delete.',
+           maxLength => 4096,
+           format => 'pve-configid-list',
+           optional => 1,
+           type => 'string'
+       },
+       common => {
+           maxLength => 512,
+           description => 'common value',
+           type => 'string',
+           optional => 1
+       },
+       field1 => {
+           description => 'Field One',
+           maximum => 9,
+           'instance-types' => [ 'one' ],
+           'type-property' => 'type',
+           minimum => 3,
+           optional => 1,
+           type => 'integer'
+       },
+       field2 => {
+           'type-property' => 'type',
+           oneOf => [
+               {
+                   type => 'integer',
+                   minimum => 10,
+                   optional => 1,
+                   maximum => 19,
+                   'instance-types' => [ 'one' ],
+                   description => 'Field Two'
+               },
+               {
+                   description => 'Field Two but different',
+                   maximum => 9,
+                   'instance-types' => [ 'two' ],
+                   minimum => 3,
+                   optional => 1,
+                   type => 'integer'
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       arrayfield => {
+           type => 'array',
+           optional => 1,
+           items => {
+               description => 'a property string',
+               type => 'string',
+               format => {
+                   subfield2 => {
+                       type => 'integer',
+                       minimum => 0,
+                       optional => 1
+                   },
+                   subfield1 => {
+                       description => 'first subfield',
+                       type => 'string'
+                   }
+               }
+           },
+           description => 'Array Field with property string'
+       },
+       another => {
+           description => 'Another field',
+           optional => 1,
+           type => 'string'
+       },
+    }
+is_deeply($update_schema, $expected_update_schema, "separated update schema 

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