basic CRUD for the profile section config

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
changes from v1:
* use raise_param_exc when id or type is wrong
* extract the type from param
* use /mapping/guest-profile as acl path
* add missing index entry for profiles

 PVE/API2/          |   7 ++
 PVE/API2/Cluster/Makefile    |   1 +
 PVE/API2/Cluster/ | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 238 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 PVE/API2/Cluster/

diff --git a/PVE/API2/ b/PVE/API2/
index 04387ab4..d628df85 100644
--- a/PVE/API2/
+++ b/PVE/API2/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ use PVE::API2::Cluster::Mapping;
 use PVE::API2::Cluster::Jobs;
 use PVE::API2::Cluster::MetricServer;
 use PVE::API2::Cluster::Notifications;
+use PVE::API2::Cluster::Profiles;
 use PVE::API2::ClusterConfig;
 use PVE::API2::Firewall::Cluster;
 use PVE::API2::HAConfig;
@@ -103,6 +104,11 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
     path => 'mapping',
+__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
+    subclass => "PVE::API2::Cluster::Profiles",
+    path => 'profiles',
 if ($have_sdn) {
     __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
        subclass => "PVE::API2::Network::SDN",
@@ -158,6 +164,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
            { name => 'notifications' },
            { name => 'nextid' },
            { name => 'options' },
+           { name => 'profiles' },
            { name => 'replication' },
            { name => 'resources' },
            { name => 'status' },
diff --git a/PVE/API2/Cluster/Makefile b/PVE/API2/Cluster/Makefile
index b109e5cb..35a3f871 100644
--- a/PVE/API2/Cluster/Makefile
+++ b/PVE/API2/Cluster/Makefile
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ PERLSOURCE=                     \         \              \                \
+             \                 \
diff --git a/PVE/API2/Cluster/ b/PVE/API2/Cluster/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d1ec67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PVE/API2/Cluster/
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+package PVE::API2::Cluster::Profiles;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param extract_sensitive_params);
+use PVE::Exception qw(raise_perm_exc raise_param_exc);
+use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
+use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
+use PVE::Profiles::Plugin;
+use PVE::Profiles::VM;
+use PVE::Profiles::CT;
+use PVE::RESTHandler;
+use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
+__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
+    name => 'profile_index',
+    path => '',
+    method => 'GET',
+    description => "List configured guest profiles.",
+    permissions => {
+       user => 'all',
+       description => "Only lists entries where you have 'Mapping.Modify', 
'Mapping.Use' or".
+           " 'Mapping.Audit' permissions on 'mapping/guest-profile/<id>'.",
+    },
+    parameters => {
+       additionalProperties => 0,
+       properties => {},
+    },
+    returns => {
+       type => 'array',
+       items => {
+           type => "object",
+           properties => {
+               id => {
+                   description => "The ID of the entry.",
+                   type => 'string'
+               },
+               type => {
+                   description => "Plugin type.",
+                   type => 'string',
+               },
+           },
+       },
+       links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{id}" } ],
+    },
+    code => sub {
+       my ($param) = @_;
+       my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment::get();
+       my $authuser = $rpcenv->get_user();
+       my $res = [];
+       my $cfg = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg');
+       my $can_see_mapping_privs = ['Mapping.Modify', 'Mapping.Use', 
+       for my $id (sort keys $cfg->{ids}->%*) {
+           next if !$rpcenv->check_any($authuser, 
"/mapping/guest-profile/$id", $can_see_mapping_privs, 1);
+           my $plugin_config = $cfg->{ids}->{$id};
+           push @$res, {
+               id => $id,
+               type => $plugin_config->{type},
+           };
+       }
+       return $res;
+    }});
+__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
+    name => 'read',
+    path => '{id}',
+    method => 'GET',
+    description => "Read profile configuration.",
+    permissions => {
+       check =>['or',
+           ['perm', '/mapping/guest-profile/{id}', ['Mapping.Use']],
+           ['perm', '/mapping/guest-profile/{id}', ['Mapping.Modify']],
+           ['perm', '/mapping/guest-profile/{id}', ['Mapping.Audit']],
+       ],
+    },
+    parameters => {
+       additionalProperties => 0,
+       properties => {
+           id => {
+               type => 'string',
+               format => 'pve-configid',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    returns => { type => 'object' },
+    code => sub {
+       my ($param) = @_;
+       my $cfg = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg');
+       my $id = $param->{id};
+       raise_param_exc({id => "no such profile '$id'"}) if 
+       return $cfg->{ids}->{$id};
+    }});
+__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
+    name => 'create',
+    path => '{id}',
+    protected => 1,
+    method => 'POST',
+    description => "Create a new profile.",
+    permissions => {
+       check => ['perm', '/mapping/guest-profile', ['Mapping.Modify']],
+    },
+    parameters => PVE::Profiles::Plugin->createSchema(),
+    returns => { type => 'null' },
+    code => sub {
+       my ($param) = @_;
+       my $type = extract_param($param, 'type');
+       my $plugin = PVE::Profiles::Plugin->lookup($type);
+       my $id = extract_param($param, 'id');
+       PVE::Cluster::cfs_lock_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg', undef, sub {
+           my $cfg = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg');
+           raise_param_exc({id => "Profile '$id' already exists"})
+               if $cfg->{ids}->{$id};
+           my $opts = $plugin->check_config($id, $param, 1, 1);
+           $cfg->{ids}->{$id} = $opts;
+           PVE::Cluster::cfs_write_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg', $cfg);
+       });
+       die $@ if $@;
+       return;
+    }});
+__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
+    name => 'update',
+    protected => 1,
+    path => '{id}',
+    method => 'PUT',
+    description => "Update profile configuration.",
+    permissions => {
+       check => ['perm', '/mapping/guest-profile/{id}', ['Mapping.Modify']],
+    },
+    parameters => PVE::Profiles::Plugin->updateSchema(),
+    returns => { type => 'null' },
+    code => sub {
+       my ($param) = @_;
+       my $id = extract_param($param, 'id');
+       my $type = extract_param($param, 'type');
+       my $digest = extract_param($param, 'digest');
+       my $delete = extract_param($param, 'delete');
+       if ($delete) {
+           $delete = [PVE::Tools::split_list($delete)];
+       }
+       PVE::Cluster::cfs_lock_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg', undef, sub {
+           my $cfg = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg');
+           PVE::SectionConfig::assert_if_modified($cfg, $digest);
+           my $data = $cfg->{ids}->{$id};
+           raise_param_exc({id => "no such profile '$id'"}) if !defined($data);
+           raise_param_exc({type => "wrong type '$type"}) if $type ne 
+           my $plugin = PVE::Profiles::Plugin->lookup($data->{type});
+           my $opts = $plugin->check_config($id, $param, 0, 1);
+           my $options = $plugin->private()->{options}->{$data->{type}};
+           PVE::SectionConfig::delete_from_config($data, $options, $opts, 
+           $data->{$_} = $opts->{$_} for keys $opts->%*;
+           PVE::Cluster::cfs_write_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg', $cfg);
+       });
+       die $@ if $@;
+       return;
+    }});
+__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
+    name => 'delete',
+    protected => 1,
+    path => '{id}',
+    method => 'DELETE',
+    description => "Remove profile.",
+    permissions => {
+       check => [ 'perm', '/mapping/guest-profile', ['Mapping.Modify']],
+    },
+    parameters => {
+       additionalProperties => 0,
+       properties => {
+           id => {
+               type => 'string',
+               format => 'pve-configid',
+           },
+       }
+    },
+    returns => { type => 'null' },
+    code => sub {
+       my ($param) = @_;
+       my $id = $param->{id};
+       PVE::Cluster::cfs_lock_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg', undef, sub {
+           my $cfg = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg');
+           if ($cfg->{ids}->{$id}) {
+               delete $cfg->{ids}->{$id};
+           }
+           PVE::Cluster::cfs_write_file('virtual-guest/profiles.cfg', $cfg);
+       });
+       die $@ if $@;
+       return;
+    }});

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